Welcome to Machine Learning for Molecular Dynamics - BMB 961 Sec 003

Welcome to Machine Learning for Molecular Dynamics - BMB 961 Sec 003

Key Information

  • Meeting times

  • Office Hours

    • Office hours are available by appointment with the instructor(s) (contact info below)

  • Software Setup Guide. The key software/communication tools for this course are:

    • This JupyterBook - hosts all of the content for the lectures and laboratory periods.

    • Slack

    • Google Colab

    • HPCC

    • Zoom (to join class asynchronously or for office hours)

    • Jupyter Notebook

    • Desire 2 Learn (Course assignments will be submitted via D2L)

    • Microsoft Forms (for surveys, please use your @msu.edu microsoft account when using Microsoft tools)

    • MediaSpace for sharing recorded lectures

Instructor Information

Lead instructors

Alex Dickson
Associate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Dept of Computational Mathematics, Science & Engineering

Michael Feig
Professor, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Affiliate instructors

Jose Mendoza
Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Samik Bose
Research Associate, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Nazanin Donyapour
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept of Computational Mathematics, Science & Engineering

Giacomo Janson
Research Associate, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology