BMB 961 Sec 003 Semester Schedule

BMB 961 Sec 003 Semester Schedule



Lec 1 (Jan 11)

Class introduction, review materials

Lab 1 (Jan 13)

Introduction to Google Colab, python review

Lec 2 (Jan 18)

Basics of Machine Learning

Lab 2 (Jan 20)

First steps with a neural network

Lec 3 (Jan 25)

Advanced neural networks

Lab 3 (Jan 27)

Learning something useful

Lec 4 (Feb 1)

Generating things with ML

Lab 4 (Feb 3)

GAN lab

Lec 5 (Feb 8)

Protein structure prediction

Lab 5 (Feb 10)

Protein structure prediction

Lec 6 (Feb 15)

Hamiltonian Mechanics

Lab 6 (Feb 17)

Liquid Argon simulation Day #1

Lec 7 (Feb 22)

Periodic boundaries and thermostats

Lab 7 (Feb 24)

Liquid Argon simulation Day #2

Lec 8 (Mar 1)

Biomolecular simulations

Lab 8 (Mar 3)

Running simulations with OpenMM

Mar 7 - 11

Spring Break

Lec 9 (Mar 15)

Simulation analysis: clustering and Markov state models

Lab 9 (Mar 17)

Trajectory featurization, clustering and network analysis

Lec 10 (Mar 22)

Parameterization of molecular dynamics forcefields with ML

Lab 10 (Mar 24)

ML-based forcefield laboratory

Lec 11 (Mar 29)

Reactive forcefields with neural networks

Lab 11 (Mar 31)

ANI simulations

Lec 12 (Apr 5)

Analysis of MD simulations using neural networks

Lab 12 (Apr 7)

Learning collective variables with VAMPnets

Apr 12 - Apr 26

Independent research projects

Last class period (Apr 26)

Presentations for independent projects

This is the tentative schedule prior to the start of the semester. The overall content shouldn’t change, but ordering or deadlines may shift somewhat. If deadlines change, substantial notice will be given!