Using SLURM to Start a Wepy Simulation¶
To start a Wepy simulation using SLURM, you can use the following SLURM script template. Customize the script according to your specific resource requirements and environment setup.
Example SLURM Script¶
#!/bin/bash --login
########## SBATCH Lines for Resource Request ##########
#SBATCH --time=TIME_LIMIT # limit of wall clock time - how long the job will run (e.g., 168:00:00 for 168 hours)
#SBATCH -A YOUR_ALLOCATION_ACCOUNT # replace with your allocation account
#SBATCH --nodes=NUMBER_OF_NODES # the number of nodes requested (e.g., 1)
#SBATCH --ntasks=NUMBER_OF_TASKS # the number of tasks to run (e.g., 1)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=CPUS_PER_TASK # the number of CPUs (or cores) per task (e.g., 8)
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task=GPUS_PER_TASK # request GPUs per task (e.g., v100:4)
#SBATCH --mem=MEMORY_PER_NODE # total memory per node (e.g., 64G)
#SBATCH --job-name=JOB_NAME # give your job a name for easier identification (e.g., wepy_run)
#SBATCH --output=%x.out # standard output file (e.g., wepy_run.out)
#SBATCH --error=%x.err # standard error file (e.g., wepy_run.err)
########## Command Lines to Run ##########
# Load necessary modules (customize as needed)
module load Conda/3 # load the Conda module (modify if needed)
# Initialize Conda (replace with the path to your Conda installation)
eval "$(/path/to/conda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" # e.g., /mnt/home/username/anaconda3/bin/conda
# Activate your Conda environment (replace with your environment name)
conda activate your_environment_name # e.g., wepy_env
# Set your home directory for the project (replace with your home directory)
HOME_DIR="/path/to/your/home/directory" # e.g., /mnt/home/username/project_dir
# Set your log directory (replace with your log directory)
LOG_DIR="$HOME_DIR/logs" # e.g., $HOME_DIR/logs
# Log the beginning of the run
echo 'Beginning of the run' 1>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log" 2>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log"
# Load CUDA module if necessary (customize as needed)
module load centos7/lib/cuda/12 # modify CUDA version if needed
# Change to the home directory
cd "$HOME_DIR"
# Log the SLURM_JOB_ID number
# Running the Wepy simulation script (replace with your script name)
echo "Running Wepy simulation script" 1>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log" 2>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log"
python # replace with your Wepy simulation script name
Instructions for Customization¶
Resource Requests:
Replace TIMELIMIT with the desired wall clock time limit (e.g.,
for 168 hours).Replace YOURALLOCATIONACCOUNT with your specific allocation account.
Replace NUMBEROFNODES with the number of nodes you need (e.g.,
).Replace NUMBEROFTASKS with the number of tasks to run (e.g.,
).Replace CPUSPERTASK with the number of CPUs per task (e.g.,
).Replace GPUSPERTASK with the type and number of GPUs per task (e.g.,
).Replace MEMORYPERNODE with the total memory per node (e.g.,
).Replace JOBNAME with a name for your job (e.g.,
Conda Setup:
with the actual path to your Conda installation.Replace
with the name of your Conda environment.
Home and Log Directory:
Set HOMEDIR to the directory where your project files are located.
Ensure LOGDIR points to where you want the log files to be saved.
CUDA Module:
Adjust the
module load centos7/lib/cuda/12
line depending on your cuda path.
Wepy Simulation Script:
with the name of your Wepy simulation script.
This template provides flexibility for users to customize the SLURM script according to their specific needs while maintaining a general structure for running a Wepy simulation.