Using SLURM to Start a Wepy Simulation

To start a Wepy simulation using SLURM, you can use the following SLURM script template. Customize the script according to your specific resource requirements and environment setup.

Example SLURM Script

#!/bin/bash --login
########## SBATCH Lines for Resource Request ##########

#SBATCH --time=TIME_LIMIT            # limit of wall clock time - how long the job will run (e.g., 168:00:00 for 168 hours)
#SBATCH -A YOUR_ALLOCATION_ACCOUNT   # replace with your allocation account
#SBATCH --nodes=NUMBER_OF_NODES      # the number of nodes requested (e.g., 1)
#SBATCH --ntasks=NUMBER_OF_TASKS     # the number of tasks to run (e.g., 1)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=CPUS_PER_TASK # the number of CPUs (or cores) per task (e.g., 8)
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task=GPUS_PER_TASK # request GPUs per task (e.g., v100:4)
#SBATCH --mem=MEMORY_PER_NODE        # total memory per node (e.g., 64G)
#SBATCH --job-name=JOB_NAME          # give your job a name for easier identification (e.g., wepy_run)
#SBATCH --output=%x.out              # standard output file (e.g., wepy_run.out)
#SBATCH --error=%x.err               # standard error file (e.g., wepy_run.err)

########## Command Lines to Run ##########

# Load necessary modules (customize as needed)
module load Conda/3                  # load the Conda module (modify if needed)

# Initialize Conda (replace with the path to your Conda installation)
eval "$(/path/to/conda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"  # e.g., /mnt/home/username/anaconda3/bin/conda

# Activate your Conda environment (replace with your environment name)
conda activate your_environment_name # e.g., wepy_env

# Set your home directory for the project (replace with your home directory)
HOME_DIR="/path/to/your/home/directory"  # e.g., /mnt/home/username/project_dir

# Set your log directory (replace with your log directory)
LOG_DIR="$HOME_DIR/logs"  # e.g., $HOME_DIR/logs

# Log the beginning of the run
echo 'Beginning of the run' 1>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log" 2>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log"

# Load CUDA module if necessary (customize as needed)
module load centos7/lib/cuda/12  # modify CUDA version if needed

# Change to the home directory
cd "$HOME_DIR"

# Log the SLURM_JOB_ID number

# Running the Wepy simulation script (replace with your script name)
echo "Running Wepy simulation script" 1>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log" 2>> "$LOG_DIR/$JOBNAME.log"
python  # replace with your Wepy simulation script name

Instructions for Customization

  1. Resource Requests:

    • Replace TIMELIMIT with the desired wall clock time limit (e.g., 168:00:00 for 168 hours).

    • Replace YOURALLOCATIONACCOUNT with your specific allocation account.

    • Replace NUMBEROFNODES with the number of nodes you need (e.g., 1).

    • Replace NUMBEROFTASKS with the number of tasks to run (e.g., 1).

    • Replace CPUSPERTASK with the number of CPUs per task (e.g., 8).

    • Replace GPUSPERTASK with the type and number of GPUs per task (e.g., v100:4).

    • Replace MEMORYPERNODE with the total memory per node (e.g., 64G).

    • Replace JOBNAME with a name for your job (e.g., wepy_run).

  2. Conda Setup:

    • Replace /path/to/conda/bin/conda with the actual path to your Conda installation.

    • Replace your_environment_name with the name of your Conda environment.

  3. Home and Log Directory:

    • Set HOMEDIR to the directory where your project files are located.

    • Ensure LOGDIR points to where you want the log files to be saved.

  4. CUDA Module:

    • Adjust the module load centos7/lib/cuda/12 line depending on your cuda path.

  5. Wepy Simulation Script:

    • Replace with the name of your Wepy simulation script.

This template provides flexibility for users to customize the SLURM script according to their specific needs while maintaining a general structure for running a Wepy simulation.