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RSS Feed Now Available

Published by salotz on 2020-09-25 00:00:00

I have now made an RSS feed for this news section:

You can follow releases of packages using the services they are deployed on:

If you aren’t familiar you’ll need to get a Feed Reader applications that basically goes and fetches the RSS (or Atom) feed pages and provides you a readable digest of the articles there.


Wepy Paper Preprint Released

Published by salotz on 2020-08-13 00:00:00

A preprint for the academic paper describing wepy has been published on ChemRxiv.

This paper goes into more detail regarding some of the relationships of the wepy architecture to the mathematical descriptions of Weighted Ensemble (WE) in general.

It also describes some of the challenges and solutions that wepy solves with regards to the complexity of WE trajectory data that is different from normal linear trajectories.

In these respects it is a great supplementary resource for understanding some of the higher-level issues wepy solves.



Wepy 1.0 Release

Published by salotz on 2020-08-04 00:00:00

We are finally releasing the official 1.0 version of wepy.

This will make pip install wepy point to the correct mostly up to date version which has been a point of confusion in the past.

In the past few months not a lot of changes to the code has occured (despite being used by many people) and most of the progress has occured around improving the developer workflows for writing and testing examples and tutorials.

We encourage everyone to look through the documentation and see what all there is to learn! Also, not all of the documentation materials are complete at this point, but will be filled out in the coming months as time allows.

Read more…

Tutorial for Contributors for Running and Writing Examples

Published by salotz on 2020-04-29 00:00:00

We have a separate repository where we save all the workshops we have done for the users/contributors in our lab:

These are topics which may change throughout time, so we don’t include them in the main wepy tree nor do we guarantee they will work in perpetuity.

Today we are running a workshop on getting people started running & writing examples for wepy:

Examples & Tutorials HOWTO

In the wepy project we have a number of utilities which we think will help us in keeping the examples in our docs up to date with the code.

Outdated docs are a frequent problem with software projects. Hopefully, the strategies that we start to outline here can help you in all your software projects by gaining a discipline of carefully maintaining and pinning your dependencies for purpose-driven virtualenvs.

A common structure for writing examples and tutorials also helps to allow for automated processes to create and test them in a uniform and low friction way.
