Continue the Simulation¶
Easiest way to continue a wepy simulation is to use the pickle file that was saved in the previous simulation. You can use the walker states from the previous simulation to continue where you left off. It is a good idea to seperate the folders of the two simulations to avoid any confusion. Later on, you can merge the hdf5 files and continue your analysis. Let’s first define the input and output directories for the new simulation, input being the previous simulation folder.
While initializing the previous simulation, we set up a
WalkerPklReporter to save the simulation state. Depending on the
parameters you set, you can find the last pickkle files in your
simulation folder. For example, if you have num_backups=1
, you can find the state of the last cycle in
Let’s start by importing the necessary libraries for the new simulation.
import os
import os.path as osp
import pickle as pkl
import as omma
import simtk.openmm as omm
import simtk.unit as unit
import mdtraj as mdj
from wepy.sim_manager import Manager
from wepy.resampling.resamplers.revo import REVOResampler
from wepy.resampling.distances.receptor import UnbindingDistance
from wepy.runners.openmm import OpenMMGPUWalkerTaskProcess, OpenMMRunner, OpenMMWalker, OpenMMState, gen_sim_state
from wepy.boundary_conditions.receptor import UnbindingBC
from wepy.reporter.hdf5 import WepyHDF5Reporter
from wepy.work_mapper.task_mapper import TaskMapper
from wepy.util.mdtraj import mdtraj_to_json_topology
from walker_pkl_reporter import WalkersPickleReporter
from wepy.reporter.dashboard import DashboardReporter
from wepy.reporter.openmm import OpenMMRunnerDashboardSection
Let’s assume that your previous run had 150 cycles and you want to continue the simulation with 150 more cycles. Since the cycle indices start from 0, 150th cycle will have the index of 149. You can confirm how many cycles that your previous run had by (1) checking the last pickle file or (2) in denoted as ‘Number of Cycles’. It is important to note that simulation folders for previous and continuing simulation should be different. If not, the new simulation will not proceed since the .h5 file already exists. Later on, you can merge the .h5 files to continue your analysis.
You can set the parameters for the new simulation as follows:
# These parameters can be different for your system, make sure to change them accordingly
num_walkers = 8
n_run = 1 # Run number
n_steps = 100000 # Number of steps for the new simulation
n_cycles = 150 # Number of cycles for the new simulation
n_last_cycles = 150 # How many cycles last simulation had
last_cycle = 149 # ID for the pickle file of the last cycle
inp_path = './'
pdb_path = f'{inp_path}/step3_input.pdb'
rst_path = f'{inp_path}/step5_10.rst'
system_path = f'{inp_path}/system.pkl'
topology_path = f'{inp_path}/topology.pkl'
input_dir = f'simdata_run{n_run}_steps{n_steps}_cycs{n_last_cycles}_1' # Previous simulation directory
output_dir = f'simdata_run{n_run}_steps{n_steps}_cycs{n_last_cycles}_2' # New simulation directory
os.makedirs(outputs_dir, exist_ok=True)
Next, we can setup the simulation as we did in the Unbinding Simulation tutorial. You can use the same setup for the simulation with the addition of loading the last cycle of the previous simulation:
with open(system_path,'rb') as f:
system = pkl.load(f)
with open(topology_path,'rb') as f:
omm_top = pkl.load(f)
# Get positions and box vectors from an rst file
# This is typically a restart file post nvt/npt from openmm
# However, you can build it from scratch using omma.PDBFile() too
with open(rst_path, 'r') as f:
simtk_state = omm.XmlSerializer.deserialize(
bv = simtk_state.getPeriodicBoxVectors()
pos = simtk_state.getPositions()
with open (f'{input_dir}/pkls/walkers_cycle_{last_cycle}.pkl', 'rb') as f:
last_cycle = pkl.load(f)
Now that we have our previous pickle file, we can extract the walkers. This is the important step that allows us to continue the simulation. We will use these walkers to set walker states and walker weights for our simulation objects.
init_walkers = []
for walker in last_cycle:
Then, we need an integrator and a runner for our simulation.
integrator = omm.LangevinIntegrator(300*unit.kelvin,
runner = OpenMMRunner(system, omm_top, integrator, platform='CUDA')
Now that we have the walkers and the runner, we need to introduce the distance metric for measuring differences between states as we did in Unbinding Simulation tutorial.
pdb = mdj.load_pdb(pdb_path)
json_top = mdtraj_to_json_topology(
# Save some relevant indices
lig_idxs ='resname UNK') # TODO: Update
protein_idxs ='protein and not resname UNK') # TODO: update
binding_selection_idxs = mdj.compute_neighbors(pdb, 0.5, lig_idxs, haystack_indices=protein_idxs, periodic=True)[0]
# Distance metric to be used in REVO
unb_distance = UnbindingDistance(lig_idxs,
[walker.state for walker in init_walkers])
Next, we will setup the boundary conditions for the simulation.
ubc = UnbindingBC(cutoff_distance=1.0, # nm
initial_state=[walker.state for walker in init_walkers],
initial_weights=[walker.weight for walker in init_walkers],
Next, we will use the REVOResampler class from the wepy library to setup the resampler.
# Set up the REVO Resampler with the parameters
resampler = REVOResampler(distance=unb_distance,
init_state=[walker.state for walker in init_walkers],
And finally, we need to setup the reporters for recording the simulation data, define the task mapper and the simulation manager.
# Set up the HDF5 reporter
hdf5_reporter = WepyHDF5Reporter(save_fields=('positions','box_vectors'),
file_path=osp.join(outputs_dir,f'wepy.results.h5') ,
# Set up the pickle reporter (Essential for restarts)
out_folder_pkl = osp.join(outputs_dir,f'pkls')
pkl_reporter = WalkersPickleReporter(save_dir = out_folder_pkl,
freq = 1,
num_backups = 2)
# Set up the dashboard reporter
dashboard_path = osp.join(outputs_dir,f'')
openmm_dashboard_sec = OpenMMRunnerDashboardSection(runner)
dashboard_reporter = DashboardReporter(file_path = dashboard_path,
runner_dash = openmm_dashboard_sec)
# Create a work mapper for NVIDIA GPUs for a GPU cluster
mapper = TaskMapper(walker_task_type=OpenMMGPUWalkerTaskProcess,
# Build the simulation manager
sim_manager = Manager(init_walkers,
reporters=[hdf5_reporter, pkl_reporter, dashboard_reporter])
print('Running the simulation...')
# run a simulation with the manager for 'n_cycles' with 'n_steps' of integrator steps in each
steps_list = [n_steps for i in range(n_cycles)]
# and..... go!
And that is it! Now you can start the simulation by running
. The simulation will continue for the specified
number of cycles and steps. The simulation data will be saved in the
directory. Later on, we will cover how to merge the hdf5
files from the two simulations to continue the analysis.