A First Look at wepy Data

In the Quick Start we showed how you could easily get a simulation running with wepy.

In this tutorial we will add onto this quick example to give some more explanation and show some simple examples of analysis.

We assume users are using a POSIX-like shell such as bash.

As from before the test drive script is installed as a module and can be run as a python script:

python -m wepy_test_drive --help

NOTE: That the test drive is a specific “application” that is built using wepy so that users can run quick simulations just specifying some high-level configurations. Please be aware that in order to make them simple parameters have been chosen that are not necessarily good or recommended for any situation.

In order to use wepy effectively you will have to use and program the Python API. The intent here is to quickly introduce users to all the pieces, parts, and objects you will need to interact with.

Running a Simulation and Producing Results

The test drive is configured so that all of the file outputs are dropped into the current folder. When writing code for your own simulations this can be configured.

All outputs in this tutorial will be in the _output directory so before running the simulations you should change to that directory:

mkdir -p _output/run0
(cd _output/run0 && python -m wepy_test_drive LennardJonesPair/OpenMM-Reference 20 10 4 3)
ls _output/run0

You should see something like:


You may also see some Warnings that can safely be ignored until you want to run important simulations. But in most cases are harmless and can be turned off if you wish.

The root.dash.org and root.walkers.dcd files are only really useful for long running simulations in which you want to monitor the results of as they are progressing.

You can look at root.dash.org as a text file and see some metrics and tables regarding the simulation.

You can use the root.init_top.pdb file and open them in VMD or similar molecular visualization software to see what the initial conditions of the system looks like.

The root.walkers.dcd can be loaded on top of the root.init_top.pdb file to show you a snapshot of what the last ensemble of walkers looked like.

Finally, and most importantly is the root.wepy.h5 file which contains all of the simulation data and most of the other data in the other formats can be regenerated from it. This WepyHDF5 file excludes data on the performance, timestamps, and states of the simulation components like resamplers.

This is important because all WepyHDF5 files are compatible even if different resamplers were used to generate simulations.

For instance we can run again using the REVO --resampler by using the resampler flag:

mkdir -p _output/revo_run
(cd _output/revo_run && python -m wepy_test_drive --resampler REVO LennardJonesPair/OpenMM-Reference 20 10 4 3)

You can even disable using a resampler entirely by using the dummy “No” resampler. This is actually quite useful for comparing improvements in sampling using resampling:

mkdir -p _output/no_run
(cd _output/no_run && python -m wepy_test_drive --resampler No LennardJonesPair/OpenMM-Reference 20 10 4 3)

Analyzing Results

Now that we have created some data we want to analyze it.

We will just cover the absolute basics of opening and exploring files here since this is a large topic and will be covered in detail in other tutorials.

Opening the HDF5 database

To access the data that is stored in the HDF5 file you can use any number of tools available for the job. This includes python libraries like h5py, but can also be other tools like h5ls or hdfql which are agnostic to the particular schemas the data has.

However, wepy provides an API to WepyHDF5 files (I like to use the file extension *.wepy.h5) that makes accessing WE specific data much easier.

To get started simply import the class that does this:

from wepy.hdf5 import WepyHDF5

When constructing this class you can use it to make new HDF5 files from scratch, however this should be done for you in the reporter that generates HDF5 files.

So for us we only use it to read HDF5 files. Run this code to construct the class and link it to the HDF5 file we created from our first run with WExplore:

wepy_h5 = WepyHDF5('_output/run0/root.wepy.h5', mode='r')

Here we are opening in read-only mode so that we can’t accidentally change or overwrite any data in the file. Never open with 'w' as the mode or your existing file will be destroyed!

Now that we have this connection to the file we need to actually open the file for access.

# do stuff...

This is okay for interactive exploration of a dataset, but in real scripts you will probably want to use the context manager which will automatically close it and protect the data.

Its worth mentioning though that HDF5 data is relatively difficult to accidentally screw up in simple non-parallel analysis situations. That being said its always good to have good hygiene when dealing with your precious data.

For example you would use a context manager like thus:

with wepy_h5:

Simply opening an HDF5 file doesn’t read very much data into memory so its a very cheap operation. It basically just fetches some header meta data and sets flags and locks so that other processes don’t accidentally interrupt you.

One of the major advantages of using HDF5 is that you only will ever bring the data you really need into memory (to some close approximation). That means you can have huge individual trajectories (say 30GB each) that wouldn’t ever reasonably fit into RAM, but you can access slices or chunks of them as you need.

This is something to be aware of when outputting to other formats like DCD where the whole file usually needs to be read into memory. This isn’t a problem for WepyHDF5 trajectories but you will need to consider this when exporting for visualization etc.

Lets reopen our file and start poking around. I suggest doing this interactively such as in an IPython session or Jupyter Notebook:


You can get whether the file is open or not:

if not wepy_h5.closed:

    print(f"File {wepy_h5.filename} is open")

    print(f"File {wepy_h5.filename} is closed")

File _output/run0/root.wepy.h5 is open

You can also get access to the underlying h5py object:


<HDF5 file "root.wepy.h5" (mode r)>

Accessing Run & Trajectory Data

The main category of data are the “runs” that are stored in the HDF5. Each “run” dataset corresponds to a single self-contained simulation.

A WepyHDF5 can have multiple runs but it is common to only have one run per file. We can later aggregate multiple runs into a single logical dataset later very inexpensively by linking them on the file system but for now we will just focus on them one run at a time.

To list the IDs (just indices really) we can look at the run_idxs attribute:

Throughout wepy ‘idx’ is used as shorthand for ‘index’ or ‘idxs’ for ‘indices’.



Which indicates that there is a single run with index 0.

Now that we know which runs we are interested in we can query more data about it.

First off we might see how many cycles long the run is:



We can get the number of walkers in the simulation:



We can also get the indices simulation trajectories.

Each run will have a number of trajectory datasets that roughly correspond to the number of walkers in a simulation, you can see the existing indices of these trajectories like this:


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

Because our simulations had a constant number of walkers (20 in this case) you can see trajectories 0 through 19.

Lets pick one of the trajectories (0) from the run (0) and see what data it has available.

First we can see how many frames it has:

print(wepy_h5.num_traj_frames(0, 0))


This is the same as the number of cycles in the run. Now lets see what data was stored for each frame:

print(wepy_h5.traj(0, 0).keys())

['box_vectors', 'box_volume', 'forces', 'kinetic_energy', 'positions', 'potential_energy', 'time', 'velocities', 'weights']

This is all data that is in an OpenMM simulation which is provided through the OpenMM Runner that was used in the simulation. This can be used for any kind of analysis and will be used to export data into other formats that can be used for visualization.

Note that We still haven’t loaded any more data than the metadata for a few groups and datasets. We can actually load data into memory with a number of different methods depending on our use case. For now we can get it just for this one trajectory:

box_vectors = wepy_h5.get_traj_field(0, 0, 'box_vectors')

<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
(10, 3, 3)

Here we have asked for the box vectors of trajectory 0 in run 0. This is returned as a numpy array of rank 3. The shape of the array indicates that we have 10 frames and then a “feature” that is a 3 by 3 array, that is 3 spatial dimensions for the 3 vectors defining the bounding box of the simulation.

Every trajectory field follows this same structure, where the first dimension of the array is indexed by the frames and then the rest are specific to the feature. You can kind of think of every trajectory as being a table where the number of rows is the number of frames (typically also the number of cycles for constant walker simulations) and each column is a specific feature of that trajectory, which wepy refers to as the fields.

While a (10, 3, 3) array here is no problem to fit into memory as frame data gets larger and the number of frames increases it can be difficult. We can always simply retrieve a subset of the frames we want. Here this is a list of exactly the frame indices we want:

chosen_frames = [0,2,7,8]

positions = wepy_h5.get_traj_field(0, 0, 'positions',

(4, 2, 3)

Here we can see from the shape of the array that we only have 4 frames now. We can also see now that our “feature” array is different for representing the positions of the particles:


array([[ 0.09647451 -0.45307833  0.19268026]
       [ 0.2685555  -0.11978315  0.0991859 ]])

The only required field present is the weights, and is necessary for proper weighted ensemble (WE) simulations.

weights = wepy_h5.get_traj_field(0,0, 'weights')

(10, 1)

This has the same structure as above even though weights are always a scalar value.

Common molecular trajectory formats usually hardcode which data can be stored in them, typically only the positions and box vectors. Because HDF5 is designed to hold arbitrary array data any data can be associated to a trajectory for any kind of modified simulation. This is how many different runners can all use the same format.

Of course particular kinds of analysis will require the presence of specific fields but this is up to the user. However, because wepy was built to work with OpenMM and molecular dynamics from the beginning there are some convenience functions for exporting directly to mdtraj.Trajectory objects. These require the presence of the positions and box_vectors fields:

traj = wepy_h5.to_mdtraj(0, 0)


You can even use the _output/run0/root.init_top.pdb file and the _output/run0/traj0.dcd files to view them in something like VMD.


That’s neat but how did it know the molecular topology in order to be able to generate the trajectory? This is because wepy records the molecular topology in the HDF5 file and retrieves it automatically for you. You can get it yourself and see it:

top_json = wepy_h5.get_topology()

'{"chains": [{"index": 0, "residues": [{"index": 0, "name": "Ar", "atoms": [{"index": 0, "name": "Ar", "element": "Ar"}], "resSeq": 1, "segmentID": ""}, {"index": 1, "name": "Ar", "atoms": [{"index": 1, "name": "Ar", "element": "Ar"}], "resSeq": 2, "segmentID": ""}]}], "bonds": []}'

This is the topology encoded as a JSON string. Its a somewhat internal representation used by wepy as there really wasn’t any other suitable formats for this purpose available. Luckily it is trivial to convert this format to the mdtraj one (indeed this format is used internally in mdtraj which is where it comes from). Again we have a convenience method for this:

mdj_top = wepy_h5.get_mdtraj_topology()

But there is also a module full of utilities that can help with working with these topology files. For example we can view them as pandas dataframe tables based on the atoms, residues, or chains. For this example, only the atoms are interesting.

from wepy.util.json_top import json_top_atom_df


   index name element  chain_key  residue_key
0      0   Ar      Ar          0            0
1      1   Ar      Ar          0            1

Where you can see the two “Argon” atoms used as the Lennard-Jones particles in the simulation.

Here you can also get subsets of the atoms in the topology that preserves ordering (something the same mdtraj function doesn’t do):

from wepy.util.json_top import json_top_subset

subset_top = json_top_subset(top_json, [1])


   index name element  chain_key  residue_key
0      0   Ar      Ar          0            0

Using the mdtraj utilities we can also directly convert the json to mdtraj and vice-versa:

from wepy.util.mdtraj import json_to_mdtraj_topology, mdtraj_to_json_topology

mdj_top = json_to_mdtraj_topology(top_json)
top_json = mdtraj_to_json_topology(mdj_top)

Its worth mentioning for those unfamiliar with json is that it can be directly read into python “lists-and-dicts”:

import json

top = json.loads(top_json)


{'index': 0, 'name': 'Ar', 'element': 'Ar'}

Lets move on from topologies for now. There are more advanced features in wepy that allow for storing subsets of position data based on different topologies but this is an advanced topic used for when storage requirements would be too great to store entire simulations.

One last thing to keep in mind however is that there is only a single topology in each file (excluding subsets of course). That is every run in a file should be the same system being simulated. While there isn’t any reason why a user couldn’t add other topology files (say as a field) most of the convenience functions in the WepyHDF5 interface assume a single master topology.

More Ways to get Trajectory Data

The simplicity of the runs of trajectories may make it seem that the structure of WE is not that different from normal simulations. This is not the case however, and unfortunately we must admit here that the “trajectories” here a lie.

That is each “trajectory” dataset above doesn’t necessarily correspond to a real continuous simulation trajectory in the simulation. Rather the “trajectories” in the HDF5 file are just a coherent way to store the data.

While it is possible for a trajectory to correspond to a continuous trajectory this is not guaranteed. This is because during the simulation some walkers are cloned and others may be killed. However, for this simulation the total number of walkers is kept the same. That is why we can have specifically 20 trajectories corresponding to the 20 walkers in the run. If you were to visualize a single trajectory that is killed then you might see a conspicuous change from the last location.

Its better to think of the “trajectories” in the HDF5 as slots that walker data can be placed. At each cycle the resampler is free to put whatever walker in whatever slot. Thus we might think of each collection of walkers at a given cycle as an unordered set, that happen to be assigned to slots when saved to the HDF5 file. The data is arranged in this “columnar” format because it is more efficient due to the properties of HDF5.

If we can’t rely on these fraudulent trajectories to give us proper trajectories how can we do this? Unfortunately this requires a better definition of the question to answer this and also requires help from a couple other analysis routines and classes in wepy. So we will defer this question for now. However, we will cover the building blocks that are used in conjunction with those higher-level tools.

First, we will introduce the idea of a trace which is a way to specify a set of frames across runs, trajectories, and cycles.

For example using the same dataset we might be interested in the all of the walker states for a particular cycle, e.g. the last one:

last_cycle_trace = [(0, traj_idx, 9) for traj_idx in wepy_h5.run_traj_idxs(0)]

[(0, 0, 9), (0, 1, 9), (0, 2, 9), (0, 3, 9), (0, 4, 9), (0, 5, 9), (0, 6, 9), (0, 7, 9), (0, 8, 9), (0, 9, 9), (0, 10, 9), (0, 11, 9), (0, 12, 9), (0, 13, 9), (0, 14, 9), (0, 15, 9), (0, 16, 9), (0, 17, 9), (0, 18, 9), (0, 19, 9)]

This data structure is generally called a trace, because it specifies a path through the data. The order of the index-tuples in the trace indicates this path, however often this order is of no interest to us. Such is the case with the last_cycle_trace above, it could just as easily be a set. Typically unless otherwise specified the order of the trace will always be preserved.

Somewhat confusingly there are different kinds of traces depending which collection you are indexing. Here each tuple value corresponds to (run_idx, traj_idx, cycle_idx) and thus can be used to make traces that index over multiple runs. This is common because we often run multiple long simulations that need to be stitched together into one logical simulation.

I suggest referring to the glossary for the names and explanations of each of them. Each specific trace function expects a particular format and you should always review the docstring to make sure you have made the right one. Because Python has no typechecking it can be easy to make this mistake and not realize it.

We can then use this trace to get field data:

trace_fields = wepy_h5.get_trace_fields(
    ['weights', 'positions', 'box_vectors'],



['weights', 'positions', 'box_vectors']
(20, 1)

The trace fields then is just a dictionary with a numpy array for the data just like we had before. Except now the number of frames is the length of the trace rather than the “trajectory”.

Just to give an example of the different kinds of traces we can get the same data but relative to only this run:

in_run_trace = [(traj_idx, 9) for traj_idx in wepy_h5.run_traj_idxs(0)]

trace_fields = wepy_h5.get_run_trace_fields(
    ['weights', 'positions', 'box_vectors'],


[(0, 9), (1, 9), (2, 9), (3, 9), (4, 9), (5, 9), (6, 9), (7, 9), (8, 9), (9, 9), (10, 9), (11, 9), (12, 9), (13, 9), (14, 9), (15, 9), (16, 9), (17, 9), (18, 9), (19, 9)]
(20, 1)

There is even a convenience function for generating mdtraj trajectories directly from traces:

traj = wepy_h5.trace_to_mdtraj(last_cycle_trace)


When dealing with continuous trajectories of walkers using traces is the easiest way to get data. However, we don’t always care about the continuity of trajectories and for many purposes just want to chunk it up and compute properties which are not time dependent.

Computing Observables

When we don’t need to worry about continuous trajectories it makes sense to just think of the runs and trajectory datasets.

The simplest way to do this is to iterate through them:

traj_fields_it = wepy_h5.iter_trajs_fields(['weights', 'box_vectors'])


<class 'generator'>

This method returns a generator so that only one trajectory dataset will be read into memory at a time. Typically just using a for loop is all that is necessary:

traj0 = next(traj_fields_it)


for traj_idx, traj in enumerate(traj_fields_it):
    print(f"Traj {traj_idx+1} weights arr: ", traj['weights'].shape)

(10, 1)
Traj 1 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 2 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 3 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 4 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 5 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 6 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 7 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 8 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 9 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 10 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 11 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 12 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 13 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 14 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 15 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 16 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 17 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 18 weights arr:  (10, 1)
Traj 19 weights arr:  (10, 1)

Since most users will be doing the same thing which is mapping a function over the trajectories and computing some value for each frame there is a function for this called compute_observable.

The idea is that you simply give it a custom function that acts on a fields dictionary for a single trajectory and it will return the results for all of the trajectories while only acting on a single trajectory at a time.

For example we might have a function that gets the distance between the two Lennard-Jones particles in the simulation:

import numpy as np

def traj_field_lj_dist(traj_data):

    positions = traj_data['positions']

    # slice out positions for each LJ particle
    lj1 = positions[:,0,:]
    lj2 = positions[:,1,:]

    # compute distances with the scaling factor
    distances = np.sqrt(
        (lj1[:,0] - lj2[:,0])**2 +
        (lj1[:,1] - lj2[:,1])**2 +
        (lj1[:,2] - lj2[:,2])**2

    return distances

We can see that it works on the first two frames of trajector 0:

ex_trace_fields = wepy_h5.get_trace_fields(
    [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)],

ex_dists = traj_field_lj_dist(ex_trace_fields)


[0.38657308 0.39455245]

Now we can use this function for the whole run:

run0_dists = wepy_h5.compute_observable(




You can see that we get a list of arrays for each trajectory.

While we won’t cover it here you can optionally save this data back into the HDF5 file so that it aligns to the walker-frame that it was computed on. This is useful for some of the more advanced analyses.

Cloning & Merging Data

Before we wrap up the basics we should mention one of the other key pieces of data that is the foundation for the WE features. That is the resampling records.

These can easily be retrieved for a single run by running the following method:

resampling_df = wepy_h5.resampling_records_dataframe([0])

The [0] we passed in is just the single run_idx for our run. This methods can be used to stitch together more than one run, but that isn’t of interest at the moment.

It should look something like this depending on what happened in your simulation:


   cycle_idx  decision_id target_idxs  step_idx  walker_idx region_assignment
0          0            1        (0,)         0           0      (0, 0, 0, 0)
1          0            1        (1,)         0           1      (0, 0, 0, 0)
2          0            1        (2,)         0           2      (0, 0, 0, 0)
3          0            1        (3,)         0           3      (0, 0, 0, 0)
4          0            1        (4,)         0           4      (0, 0, 0, 0)

This table holds all of the information needed to reconstruct the lineages of the walkers as they were cloned and merged throughout the simulation.

As an end user you shouldn’t ever need to interact with this raw data as there are higher-level ways to interact with it. However, its useful to be able to know how to drill down into the raw data in case something is ever not working.

Of the columns all are necessary except the region_assignment one. That column is specific to the WExplore resampler and there would be different extra columns when using a different resampler like REVO. It just happens that this piece of data corresponds exactly to the cloning/merging decision taking place for this walker at this point in time.

If you want to understand what all these columns mean see the specific documentation on them in the Reference section.

In Closing

We acknowledge that analyzing WE data is a bit more challenging to understand and access and that it is a little overwhelming at first.

However, once you understand that there are actually very few commonly needed routines most of the complexity will melt away.

For these we point you to the other purpose oriented tutorials in the documentation.

Oh and don’t forget to close your file!


if wepy_h5.closed:
    print("Good job!")


Good job!