Introducing Resamplers

A resampler is a computational algorithm used in WE simulations to enhance sampling of particular states in a system. It typically operates on an ensemble of walkers (representing different states) and performs resampling operations such as cloning and merging. The main objective is typically to promote sampling of low probability states that are important to a process of interest.

In this chapter, we will introduce the REVO resampler. You can find more detailed information in the paper “REVO: Resampling of ensembles by variation optimization” but briefly: REVO is a Weighted Ensemble based enhanced sampling algorithm which uses cloning and merging to create ensembles of diverse trajectories without defining any regions. It measures the diversity using a quantity called the “trajectory variation”, which depends on the pairwise distances between the walkers, as well as their weights. REVO solves this optimization problem using a greedy algorithm which at each step selects best walkers for resampling operations (cloning and merging) in order to maximize the variation.

Let’s start our building our resampler, but first, we need to define a way of measuring the distances between the trajectories, which we call the “distance metric”. This metric is important as it should correspond to the meaningful differences between trajectories that you want to see in your WE simulation. These are easy to customize for your system of interest. Wepy also provides a few built-in distance metrics which you can use. Below we define a simple distance metric for our NaCl system, which uses the absolute value of the difference between the interatomic distances.

from wepy.resampling.distances.distance import Distance
from wepy.resampling.resamplers.revo import REVOResampler
import numpy as np

# we define a simple distance metric for this system, assuming the
# positions are in a 'positions' field
class PairDistance(Distance):

def __init__(self):

def image(self, state):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(state['positions'][0] - state['positions'][1])))

def image_distance(self, image_a, image_b):
    return np.abs(image_a - image_b)

distance = PairDistance()

A few notes are important here.

  1. Remember that the PairDistance is measuring distances between two different walkers. In other words, two different copies of the simulation. Here these simulations are very simple: each has only two atoms, but in general these will each have their own solvent, protein, box sizes, etc.

  2. By convention the distance metric is split into two parts: the first is a function called image that extracts necessary information from the WalkerState. This is a dictionary that contains positions, but also box vectors, velocities and other quantities as well. Here, the “image” of each state is simply the distance between its two particles. The second part is a function called image_distance, which performs the necessary calculations to get the distance between a pair of images. Note that while image is called O(N) times by the resampler (where N is the number of walkers), image_distance is called O(N2) times.

With the distance metric in hand, we can create our REVO resampler:

# Set up the REVO Resampler with the parameters
resampler = REVOResampler(distance=distance,

You can find more details about the parameters in the documentation. Briefly:

  • distance: The distance metric to compare walkers.

  • init_state: A WalkerState object used for automatically determining state image shape.

  • weights: Turns off or on the weight novelty in calculating the variation equation. When weights = False, the value of the novelty function is set to 1 for all walkers.

  • pmax: The maximum statistical weight. It prevents accumulation of excessive weight in one walker.

  • dist_exponent: The distance exponent that modifies distance and weight novelty relative to each other in the variation equation.

  • merge_dist: The merge distance threshold. Walkers farther than this distance will not be merged. Units should be the same as the distance metric.

  • char_dist: The characteristic distance value. It is calculated by running a single dynamic cycle and then calculating the average distance between all walkers. Units should be the same as the distance metric.

It is also useful to add a REVODashboardSection to the DashboardReporter:

from wepy.reporter.revo.dashboard import REVODashboardSection


revo_dashboard_sec = REVODashboardSection(resampler)
dashboard_reporter = DashboardReporter(file_path = dashboard_path,
                                      runner_dash = openmm_dashboard_sec,
                  resampler_dash = revo_dashboard_sec)


And that’s it! You have created a REVO resampler. Feel free to test this out for the NaCl example. You can paste these code sections in or find the file in the examples/quick_start folder.

Now you can use this resampler in your simulations. This is the final chapter of our Quickstart guide, in the Tutorials section we will introduce how to prepare and use your own data along with how you can analyze the simulation results.