Quick Start

Install wepy:

pip install wepy[md]
conda install -c conda-forge openmm

If you are getting errors related to OpenMM, please see the official documentation for detailed installation instructions.

Test Drive

If you just want to poke wepy with a stick to see if the dang thing works we have the script for you!

While this script is unlikely to do anything worthwhile it is a pretty good introduction to the inputs and kind of results you can expect from wepy simulations.

Just go to a directory where you want your results to be placed and then execute the script with the options that you want to try out.

mkdir test_drive
cd test_drive

Here is an example where we are running a simulation of pair of Lennard-Jones particles using OpenMM’s ‘Reference’ platform. In that simulation we are using 20 walkers for 10 cycles, where each cycle lasts 4 picoseconds (τ = 10 ps in the WE terminology) and we are using 3 workers. Additionally, it is using a pre-parametrized WExplore resampler for simplicity.

python -m wepy_test_drive -v LennardJonesPair/OpenMM-Reference 20 10 4 3

You should see a couple files appear in your directory:

  • root.dash.org

  • root.wepy.h5

  • root.init_top.pdb

  • root.walkers.dcd

The root base file name is just a default name given for the simulation run.

If you want to run again make sure you either delete the files or do it in another folder because wepy won’t unintentionally overwrite already existing files.

root.dash.org is just a plain text file that can be viewed in any text editor. It formatted in emacs org-mode and so there are some enhanced features for folding and tables if you open it in emacs or other editor that supports org-mode files.

This “dashboard” is updated every cycle with the current results and so is useful for checking in on the progress of a long running simulations. It also provides a nice high-level overview of what happened in the simulation.

However, the main data output is in root.wepy.h5. This contains all of the data from the simulation and is the only necessary output file, the rest are just for convenience. This file is in the HDF5 format with a schema designed specifically for wepy, which we typically call the WepyHDF5 schema.

There is a lot of things we can do this file and you should check out the documentation on analysis to get a feel for what you can do and how. You will have to do this in python itself, either by writing your own scripts or in a Jupyter notebook.

The root.init_top.pdb and root.walkers.dcd files are for doing 3D visualizations. The root.init_top.pdb is a PDB file with the initial structure, which can be used as a topology template for the DCD file, which has one frame for each walker of the last cycle. It is only useful for getting a quick snapshot of what the results of the simulation are.

wepy can be customized with arbitrary reporters to generate more kinds of files if you wish, but this is sufficient for getting started.

You can see all the options that the test drive script has:

python -m wepy_test_drive --help

An extended tutorial that goes through some details of observing the results is in the tutorials.

Trivial example: Setting up a simulation

In the test drive everything was set up for you and we could only control how long, how many walkers, and which system to use. We couldn’t choose the resampler or even change the parameters we might need to get useful simulations.

wepy is extremely customizable and just about any component can be changed to match your needs. For now we just show you one of the simplest possible examples of running wepy using OpenMM to give you a flavor of how this looks like.

This example uses the NoResampler which performs no resampling so this is equivalent to running 10 simulations in parallel.

from copy import copy

import simtk.openmm as omm
import simtk.unit as unit

from openmm_systems.test_systems import LennardJonesPair

from wepy.resampling.resamplers.resampler import NoResampler
from wepy.runners.openmm import OpenMMRunner, gen_walker_state
from wepy.walker import Walker
from wepy.sim_manager import Manager

# use a ready made system for OpenMM MD simulation
test_sys = LennardJonesPair()

integrator = omm.LangevinIntegrator(300.0*unit.kelvin,

init_state = gen_walker_state(test_sys.positions, test_sys.system, integrator)

runner = OpenMMRunner(test_sys.system, test_sys.topology, integrator,

# a trivial resampler which does nothing
resampler = NoResampler()

# Run the simulation

# number of cycles of WE to perform
n_cycles = 5

# the number of MD dynamics steps for each cycle
n_steps = 1000
steps = [n_steps for i in range(n_cycles)]

# number of parallel simulations
n_walkers = 10

# create the initial walkers with equal weights
init_weight = 1.0 / n_walkers
init_walkers = [Walker(copy(init_state), init_weight) for i in range(n_walkers)]

sim_manager = Manager(init_walkers,

# run the simulation and get the results
final_walkers, _ = sim_manager.run_simulation(n_cycles, steps)

In this example we see the core components of a wepy simulation:

  • Runner: for running dynamics (‘sampling’ in wepy parlance)

  • Resampler: for performing resampling (i.e. cloning and merging of walkers)

  • Manager: the main simulation loop

Being the trivial example it is, not only does it do no resampling it produces no output other than the final walkers and then only in memory as Walker objects.

Further in the docs we will show how to add reporters to the simulation so that your results can be saved and how to use and customize resamplers that do useful work.

Writing scripts like this is the primary way in which wepy is intended to be used.

You can run this wepy simulation by running this on the command line after you have copy and pasted it to a file:

python noresampler_example.py

The wepy command line application introduces some useful tools for working with and managing many interconnected simulations with checkpointing capabilities. This is the orchestration sub-module and should be a considered an advanced feature. Just know that if you are running a lot of simulations, long simulations which tend to fail due to hardware issues, or if you need to repeatedly stop and restart simulations the orchestration sub-module is available for that.

So ignore the wepy commands like wepy run for now.