wepy.work_mapper package

Classes used for efficiently performing work at different stages of the wepy simulation cycle.

Wepy simulations have four sequential stages of computation:

  1. running segments

  2. boundary conditions

  3. resampling

  4. reporting

Stage 1 involves propagating dynamics for each walker in a completely independent using the same runner function (i.e. run_segment) and can always be completely parallelized.

Steps 2 and 4, with a few more assumptions of independence (which are most likely satisfied without overly complex behavior), are probably also completely parallelizable over walkers and reporters respectively.

Resampling may also have a degree of parallelizability but will vary considerably between resamplers and so cannot be treated outside of any individual framework for resamplers and so will not be treated generally in this submodule.

Currently, wepy supports a worker based task queue implementation (wepy.work_mapper.mapper.WorkerMapper) for running parallel segments in stage 1, which is very useful for utilizing GPU compute sources. It is pretty general and utilizes the multiprocessing library for starting worker processes. Specific code for running OpenMM GPU calculations is contained within the openmm runner module.

Currently general solutions for parallelizing stage 2 and 3 are not provided or supported in the simulation manager (to avoid premature optimization) but these are easy targets for improving the efficiency of wepy code.

If you don’t care about parallelizing your segment running (say for simple test systems) you can use the reference implementation (wepy.work_mapper.mapper.Mapper) which is basically just a wrapper around a for-loop.

This sub-module provides reference implementations and/or abstract base classes for a few interfaces.

The WorkMapper class interface has the following methods:

  • init

  • cleanup

  • map

A single attribute for the segment_function that is set at runtime with a call to init:

  • segment_func

And an optional attribute to enable reporting on segment running performance:

  • worker_segment_times : dict of int : list of float

Which should be a dictionary mapping a worker index to a list of float values of time (in seconds) for each task (i.e. segment of walker dynamics) it ran in the last cycle only (not cumulative over consecutive cycles).

The init method is called at runtime by the simulation manager at the beginning of the simulation and allows for performing such actions as opening file handles or starting worker processes (as is the case with the WorkerMapper).

The only necessary key-word argument to this method is ‘segment_func’ which will be provided by the simulation manager (and is derived at runtime from the runner).

The cleanup method likewise is called either at the end of a succesful simulation or when an error occurs in the call to run_cycle in the simulation manager (e.g. to allow killing of live processes).

The map function acts similar to the python builtin except it does not accept the function to map over the data. This is instead set during the call to init from the ‘segment_func’ key-word argument.

The WorkerMapper class and related Worker and Task classes will be provided as-is and are not really intended to be superclasses although you are free to do so.

The only interfacing that facilitates their usage is that the simulation manager will pass a required keyword argument ‘num_workers’ to the call to init.

See the simulation manager module to see what fields are passed to the mappers. These will likely not be removed in the future, although more may be added.
