wepy.boundary_conditions package

Library of and framework for making boundary conditions in wepy simulations.

In many simulations you would like to apply external constraints upon the dynamics of a simulation. For example in ligand unbinding simulations you may want to recognize and act on the fact that a ligand has reached some sort of threshold distance away from it’s originally bound protein. The LigandUnbinding boundary condition class does exactly this and modifies the walker state to restart it in the original starting position instead of continuing the dynamics of the runner. Another possible way to implement this would be to only change a single data field in the walker state that tells you the “color” of the walker which indicates the last boundary it crossed, without interrupting the dynamical continuity of the simulation. However, the analysis routines in wepy are adapted to deal with such discontinuities if you desire such non-equilibrium simulations.

Use of boundary conditions is so common that the wepy simulation manager and WepyHDF5 storage backend provide an interface for applying and saving results of boundary conditions.

Boundary conditions need not be used in a simulation at all however and are strictly optional.

This module provides a small library of common boundary conditions and a reference for the implementation of your own boundary conditions. The approach to have a microframework for making boundary conditions was chosen because the actual details of them are highly domain dependent and it is unlikely that wepy could begin to cover all of them.

A boundary condition is simply a duck typed object that follows the interface called by the simulation manager. This means that you need not use this microframework at all and can implement one from the ground up. I.e. no explicit class inheritance checks are done at any point.

However, to make things easy just inherit from the BoundaryCondition base class and override the necessary functions.

These methods must be implemented to work correctly in the reference simulation manager: - warp_walkers - progress - update_bc

A non-trivial boundary condition (BC for short) will override at least the warp_walkers method. “Warping” in wepy terminology means for a walker to have met the constraints of the BC and have it’s state be modified in response (think warping through space via a wormhole like in star trek). Warps can be ‘continuous’ or ‘discontinuous’ depending on whether the continuity of dynamics is broken due to this effect. For example, resetting the positions of a molecular dynamics to its starting point is discontinuous, and the change of a string label or some other field not used by the runner to compute dynamics is continuous.

For each warping event a single warping record is generated, that should detail the event.

The simulation manager will also make calls to progress and update_bc, but these are accessory to the warp_walkers method.

The progress call returns a continual record (one per cycle) and is intended to report on some metrics of progress the walkers have achieved. For example in the ligand unbinding example this can be the minimum distance to the protein. The progress record can contain multiple features per walker. It can also be used to make economical use of calculations used in the BC when determining the warpings of the walkers.

Additionally for routines in wepy.analysis to work properly the warping_discontinuity classmethod (can be called from the class without an object instance) must be implemented correctly.

The update_bc call is used to get changes to the BC object itself. To use the ligand unbinding example one might lower the threshold for unbinding if so many cycles go by without an event occuring with perhaps introspection on the progress values.

Any changes in the state of the BC object should be happen in the call stack of update_bc and reflected in the ‘bc_record’ returned to the simulation manager.

Record groups generated by a BC class are: - warping - boundary_conditions - progress

It is recommended (but optional) to have all the field names, shapes, and dtypes for the records in the class definition for these where possible.


Boundary conditions in wepy simulations are optional.

Inherit from the wepy.boundary_conditions.boundary.BoundaryConditions class to get started developing your own boundary conditions.

Boundary conditions must implement methods: warp_walkers, progress, and update_bc for simulation.

It is the programmers responsibility to handle discontinuous warping events by implementing the warping_discontinuity class method.


