wepy.analysis.transitions module¶
Collection of routines for counting transitions and calculating transition probability matrices.
There are two basic data structures used in this module for edge transitions: dictionary based and matrix based.
The dictionary based approach is used to interface with graph representations, like in the ~wepy.analysis.network.MacroStateNetwork~.
Arrays are used as an interface to numerical libraries which use this to calculate other properties such as steady-state probabilities.
Wepy is primarily meant to support expedient data structuring and will not support the latter numerical calculations and is left up to external libraries and domain specific code.
- transition_countsGiven a structured array of assignments of
microstate to macrostate labels and a listing of all kinetic transitions over the microstates returns the counts of transitions between each macrostate as a dictionary mapping macrostate transition edges to the total counts each microstate transition.
- counts_d_to_matrixConverts a dictionary mapping macrostate
transition edges to a asymmetric transition matrix.
- normalize_countsNormalizes outgoing transition counts from each
macrostate to 1 for a transition counts matrix.
- transition_counts_matrixGiven a structured array of assignments of
microstate to macrostate labels and a listing of all kinetic transitions over the microstates returns the counts of transitions between each macrostate as an assymetric transition counts matrix.
- transition_probability_matrixGiven a structured array of assignments of
microstate to macrostate labels and a listing of all kinetic transitions over the microstates returns the probability of transitions between each macrostate as an assymetric transition probability matrix.
- run_transition_counts_matrixGenerates an asymmetric transition
counts matrix directly from a single WepyHDF5 run.
- run_transition_probability_matrixGenerates an asymmetric transition
probability matrix directly from a single WepyHDF5 run.
- wepy.analysis.transitions.transition_counts(assignments, transitions, weights=None)[source]¶
Make a dictionary of the count of microstate transitions between macrostates.
If weights are given counts are the weight instead of 1.
- Parameters:
assignments (mixed array_like of dim (n_run, n_traj, n_cycle) type int) – Assignment of microstates to macrostate labels, where N_runs is the number of runs, N_traj is the number of trajectories, and N_cycle is the number of cycles.
transitions (list of list of tuples of ints (run_idx, traj_idx, cycle_idx)) – List of run traces corresponding to transitions. Only the first and last trace elements are used.
weights (mixed array_like of dim (n_run, n_traj, n_cycle) type float or None) –
- Same shape as the assignments, but gives the weight of the walker at this time.
- Returns:
transition_counts – Dictionary mapping transitions between macrostate labels to the count of microstate transitions between them. If weights are given this is the weighted counts.
- Return type:
- wepy.analysis.transitions.counts_d_to_matrix(counts_d)[source]¶
Convert a dictionary of counts for macrostate transitions to an assymetric transitions counts matrix.
- Parameters:
counts_d (dict of (int, int): int) – Dictionary mapping transitions between macrostate labels to the count of microstate transitions between them. The first value is the ‘source’ node and the second value is the ‘target’ node of a directed graph.
- Returns:
counts_matrix – Assymetric counts matrix of dim (n_macrostates, n_macrostates). The 0-th axis corresponds to the ‘source’ node and the 1-st axis corresponds to the ‘target’ nodes, i.e. the dimensions mean: (source, target).
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray of int
- wepy.analysis.transitions.normalize_counts(transition_counts_matrix)[source]¶
Normalize the macrostate outgoing transition counts to 1.0 for each macrostate.
- wepy.analysis.transitions.transition_counts_matrix(assignments, transitions)[source]¶
Make an asymmetric array of the count of microstate transitions between macrostates.
- Parameters:
assignments (mixed array_like of dim (n_run, n_traj, n_cycle) type int) – Assignment of microstates to macrostate labels, where N_runs is the number of runs, N_traj is the number of trajectories, and N_cycle is the number of cycles.
transitions (list of list of tuples of ints (run_idx, traj_idx, cycle_idx)) – List of run traces corresponding to transitions. Only the first and last trace elements are used.
- Returns:
transition_counts_matrix – Assymetric counts matrix of dim (n_macrostates, n_macrostates).
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray of int
- wepy.analysis.transitions.transition_probability_matrix(assignments, transitions)[source]¶
Make an asymmetric array of macrostates transition probabilities from microstate assignments.
- Parameters:
assignments (mixed array_like of dim (n_run, n_traj, n_cycle) type int) – Assignment of microstates to macrostate labels, where N_runs is the number of runs, N_traj is the number of trajectories, and N_cycle is the number of cycles.
transitions (list of list of tuples of ints (run_idx, traj_idx, cycle_idx)) – List of run traces corresponding to transitions. Only the first and last trace elements are used.
- Returns:
transition_probability_matrix – Assymetric transition probability matrix of dim (n_macrostates, n_macrostates).
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray of float
- wepy.analysis.transitions.run_transition_counts_matrix(wepy_hdf5, run_idx, assignment_key, transitions)[source]¶
Generates an asymmetric transition counts matrix directly from a single WepyHDF5 run.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
transition_counts_matrix – Assymetric counts matrix of dim (n_macrostates, n_macrostates).
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray of int
- wepy.analysis.transitions.run_transition_probability_matrix(wepy_hdf5, run_idx, assignment_key, transitions)[source]¶
Generates an asymmetric transition counts matrix directly from a single WepyHDF5 run.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
transition_probability_matrix – Assymetric transition probability matrix of dim (n_macrostates, n_macrostates).
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray of float