wepy.analysis.distributed module

Module that provides functionality for performing parallel distributed calculations using the dask suite of tools.

Because these tools are to be used in tandem with each other here is an overview of how they fit together:

Dask provides parallelism over arbitrary (serializable) python objects through the bag object. Because WepyHDF5 objects (or any HDF5 dataset reference) are not serializable (because they contain file handles to an underlying HDF5 file) we instead provide a simple datastructure that provides the specifications for which dataset to read from and what piece of the data is to be read in. These the ‘items’ (which are returned by this function) are a simple tuple containing:

  • file path to WepyHDF5 file

  • run index

  • trajectory index

  • frame indices

  • field names/paths

This is everything we need to call the get_traj_field method and generate a traj fields, which can then be operated on by various other functions, e.g. traj_fields_to_mdtraj or any function that could be passed to WepyHDF5.compute_observable.

This function does not directly create a dask bag object, but can easily be done, via dask.bag.from_sequence(traj_fields_bag_items(*args)). After which we only need to actually load the data into memory using the other helper function load_frames_fields which takes as a single argument a single ‘item’ from this functions output.

I.e.: dask.bag.from_sequence(traj_fields_bag_items(*args)).map(load_frames_fields)

This will create a dask bag which can then be used to perform various distributed, parallel operations on it, such as dask.bag.map. Think of it as a distributed version of WepyHDF5.compute_observable (except we can’t save directly to the WepyHDF5 in the same invocation).

For example:

``` import dask from wepy.util.mdtraj import traj_fields_to_mdtraj from wepy.analysis.distributed import traj_fields_chunk_items, load_traj_chunks

bag = dask.bag.from_sequence(

‘results.wepy.h5’, [‘positions’, ‘box_vectors’], chunk_size=500



# load the trajectory fields “chunks” into distributed memory a = bag.map(load_traj_chunks) # convert our “trajectory fields” chunks to an mdtraj Trajectory object b = bag.map(traj_fields_to_mdtraj) # compute the solvent accessible surface area of the trajectory chunks c = bag.map(mdj.shrake_rupley) results = b.compute()


The intermediate values a, b, and c are just place holders for delayed operations since, dask is ‘lazy’ in the sense that it doesn’t actually do any of the work in the ‘map’ calls until you call ‘compute’.

The choice of the chunk size is also of high importance for getting efficient calculations. To choose the chunk size appropriately consider the resources and parallelism available to each of your workers and the amount of data that you have.

The smaller the chunk, the more tasks that will be generated for dask. Each task has an intrinsic overhead associated with it, may require serialization and communication if operating in separate processes or hosts, and furthermore needs to be scheduled for execution by dask. An excessively large number of tasks will cause the scheduler to grind to a halt so we want to increase the chunk size to large enough that the scheduler can handle it and that communication doesn’t become more expensive than actual calculation. However, we are limited in a few ways to the size of the chunks:

  1. length of individual trajectories in a run

  2. memory of a worker process

  3. throughput of a worker process

Firstly we are limited in a strong sense by the fact that the largest possible chunk for a single trajectory is the whole trajectory. Even if larger chunks would be theoretically, possible. Probably there are advanced optimizations that could be made if our trajectories happened to be very numerous and very short, we assume that trajectories are reasonably long and not numbering in the hundreds of thousands or millions. This is also dependent on the actual size of a single frame, which may vary greatly in size for different domains. In any case you should very likely do some dimensionality reduction before performing calculations (i.e. stripping out waters in molecular dynamics simulations).

Secondly, a chunk must be able to fit into the memory of a worker process. This is a straightforward and intuitive limitation. Thirdly, we must not make the chunks so large that the degree of parallelism is diminished.

We leave off here because optimizing parallel calculation is a huge topic and will change from problem to problem. Thus we encourage trial and error. In our experience however, a nonresponsive (but non-error producing calculation) is probably due to the scheduler being inundated with too many tasks (chunk sizes too small, say of only 1 frame).

wepy.analysis.distributed.traj_fields_chunk_items(wepy_h5_path, fields, run_idxs=Ellipsis, chunk_size=Ellipsis)[source]

Generate items that can be used to create a dask.bag object.

  • wepy_h5_path (str) – The file path to the WepyHDF5 file that will be read from.

  • fields (list of str) – The field names/paths for the data to be retrieved.

  • chunk_size (int) – This is the size of the chunk (i.e. number of frames) that will be retrieved from each trajectory. This is the unit of data for which a single task will work on. Dask will also partition these chunks as it sees fit.



Return type

list of dict of str : value

wepy.analysis.distributed.chunk_func_funcgen(func, input_keys=['traj_fields'], result_name=None, keep_inputs=False)[source]

Consider first using the bag.pluck method

wepy.analysis.distributed.chunk_traj_fields_concat(cum_chunk_spec, new_chunk_spec)[source]

Binary operation for dask foldby reductions for concatenating chunk specs with a traj_fields payload


Convert a dictionary of keys (run_idx, traj_idx) and values (of dimension val_dim) as arrays to a list of lists of the value arrays.

wepy.analysis.distributed.compute_observable(func, wepy_h5_path, dask_client, fields, chunk_size=Ellipsis, num_partitions=100, run_idxs=Ellipsis)[source]
wepy.analysis.distributed.compute_observable_graph(func, chunk_bag, chunk_size)[source]