wepy.analysis.contig_tree module¶
Classes providing a contig and branching contigs abstractions over the underlying WepyHDF5 simulation data store.
ContigTree Contig
- wepy.analysis.contig_tree.RESAMPLING = 'resampling'¶
Record key for resampling records.
- wepy.analysis.contig_tree.RESAMPLER = 'resampler'¶
Record key for resampler records.
- wepy.analysis.contig_tree.WARPING = 'warping'¶
Record key for warping records.
- wepy.analysis.contig_tree.PROGRESS = 'progress'¶
Record key for progress records.
- wepy.analysis.contig_tree.BC = 'boundary_conditions'¶
Record key for boundary condition records.
- class wepy.analysis.contig_tree.BaseContigTree(wepy_h5, continuations=Ellipsis, runs=Ellipsis, boundary_condition_class=None, decision_class=None)[source]¶
A base class for the contigtree which doesn’t contain a WepyHDF5 object. Useful for serialization of the object and can then be reattached later to a WepyHDF5.
The only required argument is an WepyHDF5 object from which to draw data.
If continuations is given it specifies the (continuing_run_idx, continued_run_idx) continuations the contig tree will use. This overrides anything in the WepyHDF5 file. Only use this if you know what you are doing. If continuations is Ellipsis the continuations from the WepyHDF5 will be used.
If runs is not Ellipsis only these runs will be included in the ContigTree and the continuations relvant to this subset will be used.
If a valid decision_class is given walker lineages will be generated. This class is largely useless without this.
The boundary_condition_class is only used in the presence of a decision_class. A valid boundary_condition_class will detect the discontinuities in walker trajectories and will automatically apply them to divide up logical trajectories. Otherwise, if discontinuous boundary condition warping events in data are present logical trajectories will have discontinuities in them.
- Parameters:
wepy_h5 (closed WepyHDF5 object)
continuations (Ellipsis (use continuations in wepy_h5) or) –
list of tuple of int (run_idx, run_idx)
- The continuations to apply to the runs in this contig tree.
(Default value = Ellipsis)
runs (Ellipsis (use all runs in wepy_h5) or) –
list of idx
- The indices of the runs to use in the contig tree
(Default value = Ellipsis)
boundary_condition_class (class implementing BoundaryCondition) – interface (Default value = None)
- decision_classclass implementing Decision interface
(Default value = None)
Only set continuations if you know what you are doing.
A decision_class must be given to be able to detect cloning and merging and get parental lineages.
Make sure to give the boundary_condition_class if there was discontinuous warping events in the simulation or else you will get erroneous contiguous trajectories.
- RESAMPLING_PANEL_KEY = 'resampling_steps'¶
Key for resampling panel node attributes in the tree graph.
- PARENTS_KEY = 'parent_idxs'¶
Key for parent indices node attributes in the tree graph.
- DISCONTINUITY_KEY = 'discontinuities'¶
Key for discontinuity node attributes in the tree graph.
- property graph¶
The underlying networkx.DiGraph object.
- property decision_class¶
The decision class used to determine parental lineages.
- property boundary_condition_class¶
The boundary condition class is used to determine discontinuities in lineages.
- property span_traces¶
Dictionary mapping the spand indices to their run traces.
- _set_resampling_panels(wepy_h5)[source]¶
Generates resampling panels for each cycle and sets them as node attributes.
- _initialize_discontinuities(wepy_h5)[source]¶
Initialize the nodes with discontinuities attributes but set to 0s indicating no discontinuities.
- _set_discontinuities(wepy_h5, boundary_conditions_class)[source]¶
Given the boundary condition class sets node attributes for where there are discontinuities in the parental lineages.
- Parameters:
boundary_conditions_class (class implementing BoundaryCondition interface)
- _set_parents(decision_class)[source]¶
Determines the net parents for each cycle and sets them in-place to the cycle tree given.
- Parameters:
decision_class (class implementing Decision interface)
- property run_idxs¶
Indices of runs in WepyHDF5 used in this contig tree.
- property continuations¶
The continuations that are used in this contig tree over the runs.
- static contig_trace_to_run_trace(contig_trace, contig_walker_trace)[source]¶
Combine a contig trace and a walker trace to get the equivalent run trace.
The contig_walker_trace cycle_idxs must be a subset of the frame indices given by the contig_trace.
- walker_trace_to_run_trace(contig_walker_trace)[source]¶
Combine a walker trace to get the equivalent run trace for this contig.
The contig_walker_trace cycle_idxs must be a subset of the frame indices given by the contig_trace.
- Parameters:
contig_walker_trace (list of tuples of ints (traj_idx, cycle_idx))
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of tuples of ints (run_idx, traj_idx, cycle_idx)
See also
calls this static method
- contig_cycle_idx(run_idx, cycle_idx)[source]¶
Convert an in-run cycle index to an in-contig cyle_idx.
- get_branch_trace(run_idx, cycle_idx, start_contig_idx=0)[source]¶
Get a contig trace for a branch of the contig tree from an end point back to a set point (defaults to root of contig tree).
- trace_parent_table(contig_trace, discontinuities=True)[source]¶
Given a contig trace returns a parent table for that contig.
- classmethod _tree_leaves(root, tree)[source]¶
Given the root node ID and the tree as a networkX DiGraph returns the leaves of the tree.
Must give it the reversed tree because it is recursive.
- Parameters:
root (node_id)
tree (networkx.DiGraph) – The reversed tree from the contigtree
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- _subtree_leaves(root)[source]¶
Given a root defining a subtree on the full tree returns the leaves of that subtree.
- Parameters:
root (node_id)
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- leaves()[source]¶
All of the leaves of this contig tree.
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- _subtree_root(node)[source]¶
Given a node find the root of the tree it is on
- Parameters:
node (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- roots()[source]¶
Returns all of the roots in this contig tree (which is technically a forest and can have multiple roots).
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of node_id
- subtrees()[source]¶
Returns all of the subtrees (with unique roots) in this contig tree (which is technically a forest and can have multiple roots).
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of networkx.DiGraph trees
- get_subtree(node)[source]¶
Given a node defining a subtree root return that subtree.
- Parameters:
node (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
networkx.DiGraph tree
- contig_sliding_windows(contig_trace, window_length)[source]¶
Given a contig trace get the sliding windows of length ‘window_length’ as contig walker traces.
- sliding_contig_windows(window_length)[source]¶
Given a ‘window_length’ return all the windows over the contig tree as contig traces.
- _subtree_sliding_contig_windows(subtree_root, window_length)[source]¶
Get all the sliding windows of length ‘window_length’ from the subtree defined by the subtree root as run traces.
- sliding_windows(window_length)[source]¶
Returns all the sliding windows over walker trajectories as run traces for a given window length.
- classmethod _rec_spanning_paths(edges, root)[source]¶
Given a set of directed edges (source, target) and a root node id of a tree imposed over the edges, returns all the paths over that tree which span from the root to a leaf.
This is a recursive function and has pretty bad performance for nontrivial simulations.
- Parameters:
edges ((node_id, node_id))
root (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of edges
- spanning_contig_traces()[source]¶
Returns a list of all possible spanning contigs given the continuations present in this file. Spanning contigs are paths through a tree that must start from a root node and end at a leaf node.
This algorithm always returns them in a canonical order (as long as the runs are not rearranged after being added). This means that the indices here are the indices of the contigs.
- _root_spanning_contig_traces()[source]¶
Returns a list of all possible spanning contigs given the continuations present in this file. Spanning contigs are paths through a tree that must start from a root node and end at a leaf node.
This algorithm always returns them in a canonical order (as long as the runs are not rearranged after being added). This means that the indices here are the indices of the contigs.
- Returns:
spanning_contig_traces – Dictionary mapping the root ids to all spanning contigs for it which are contig traces.
- Return type:
dict of root_id to list of tuples of ints (run_idx, cycle_idx)
- classmethod _contig_trace_to_contig_runs(contig_trace)[source]¶
Convert a contig trace to a list of runs.
- classmethod _contig_runs_to_continuations(contig_runs)[source]¶
Helper function to convert a list of run indices defining a contig to continuations.
- class wepy.analysis.contig_tree.ContigTree(wepy_h5, base_contigtree=None, continuations=Ellipsis, runs=Ellipsis, boundary_condition_class=None, decision_class=None)[source]¶
Wraps a WepyHDF5 object and gives access to logical trajectories.
The contig tree is technically a forest (a collection of trees) and can have multiple roots.
The only required argument is an WepyHDF5 object from which to draw data.
If continuations is given it specifies the (continuing_run_idx, continued_run_idx) continuations the contig tree will use. This overrides anything in the WepyHDF5 file. Only use this if you know what you are doing. If continuations is Ellipsis the continuations from the WepyHDF5 will be used.
If runs is not Ellipsis only these runs will be included in the ContigTree and the continuations relvant to this subset will be used.
If a valid decision_class is given walker lineages will be generated. This class is largely useless without this.
The boundary_condition_class is only used in the presence of a decision_class. A valid boundary_condition_class will detect the discontinuities in walker trajectories and will automatically apply them to divide up logical trajectories. Otherwise, if discontinuous boundary condition warping events in data are present logical trajectories will have discontinuities in them.
- Parameters:
wepy_h5 (closed WepyHDF5 object)
continuations (Ellipsis (use continuations in wepy_h5) or) –
list of tuple of int (run_idx, run_idx)
- The continuations to apply to the runs in this contig tree.
(Default value = Ellipsis)
runs (Ellipsis (use all runs in wepy_h5) or) –
list of idx
- The indices of the runs to use in the contig tree
(Default value = Ellipsis)
boundary_condition_class (class implementing BoundaryCondition) – interface (Default value = None)
- decision_classclass implementing Decision interface
(Default value = None)
Only set continuations if you know what you are doing.
A decision_class must be given to be able to detect cloning and merging and get parental lineages.
Make sure to give the boundary_condition_class if there was discontinuous warping events in the simulation or else you will get erroneous contiguous trajectories.
- property base_contigtree¶
- property wepy_h5¶
The WepyHDF5 source object for which the contig tree is being constructed.
- make_contig(contig_trace)[source]¶
Create a Contig object given a contig trace.
- Parameters:
contig_trace (list of tuples of ints (run_idx, cycle_idx))
- Returns:
- Return type:
Contig object
- resampling_trace(decision_id)[source]¶
Return full run traces for every specified type of resampling event.
- Parameters:
decision_id (int) – The string ID of the decision you want to match on and get lineages for.
- lineages(trace, discontinuities=True)[source]¶
Get the ancestry lineage for each element of the trace as a run trace.
- DISCONTINUITY_KEY = 'discontinuities'¶
Key for discontinuity node attributes in the tree graph.
- PARENTS_KEY = 'parent_idxs'¶
Key for parent indices node attributes in the tree graph.
- RESAMPLING_PANEL_KEY = 'resampling_steps'¶
Key for resampling panel node attributes in the tree graph.
- classmethod _contig_runs_to_continuations(contig_runs)¶
Helper function to convert a list of run indices defining a contig to continuations.
- classmethod _contig_trace_to_contig_runs(contig_trace)¶
Convert a contig trace to a list of runs.
- classmethod _continuations_to_contig_runs(continuations)¶
Helper function that converts a list of continuations to a list of the runs in the order of the contigs defined by the continuations.
- _create_tree(wepy_h5)¶
Generate the tree of cycles from the WepyHDF5 object/file.
- _initialize_discontinuities(wepy_h5)¶
Initialize the nodes with discontinuities attributes but set to 0s indicating no discontinuities.
- classmethod _rec_spanning_paths(edges, root)¶
Given a set of directed edges (source, target) and a root node id of a tree imposed over the edges, returns all the paths over that tree which span from the root to a leaf.
This is a recursive function and has pretty bad performance for nontrivial simulations.
- Parameters:
edges ((node_id, node_id))
root (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of edges
- _root_spanning_contig_traces()¶
Returns a list of all possible spanning contigs given the continuations present in this file. Spanning contigs are paths through a tree that must start from a root node and end at a leaf node.
This algorithm always returns them in a canonical order (as long as the runs are not rearranged after being added). This means that the indices here are the indices of the contigs.
- Returns:
spanning_contig_traces – Dictionary mapping the root ids to all spanning contigs for it which are contig traces.
- Return type:
dict of root_id to list of tuples of ints (run_idx, cycle_idx)
- _set_discontinuities(wepy_h5, boundary_conditions_class)¶
Given the boundary condition class sets node attributes for where there are discontinuities in the parental lineages.
- Parameters:
boundary_conditions_class (class implementing BoundaryCondition interface)
- _set_parents(decision_class)¶
Determines the net parents for each cycle and sets them in-place to the cycle tree given.
- Parameters:
decision_class (class implementing Decision interface)
- _set_resampling_panels(wepy_h5)¶
Generates resampling panels for each cycle and sets them as node attributes.
- _spanning_paths(root)¶
- _subtree_leaves(root)¶
Given a root defining a subtree on the full tree returns the leaves of that subtree.
- Parameters:
root (node_id)
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- _subtree_root(node)¶
Given a node find the root of the tree it is on
- Parameters:
node (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- _subtree_sliding_contig_windows(subtree_root, window_length)¶
Get all the sliding windows of length ‘window_length’ from the subtree defined by the subtree root as run traces.
- classmethod _tree_leaves(root, tree)¶
Given the root node ID and the tree as a networkX DiGraph returns the leaves of the tree.
Must give it the reversed tree because it is recursive.
- Parameters:
root (node_id)
tree (networkx.DiGraph) – The reversed tree from the contigtree
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- property boundary_condition_class¶
The boundary condition class is used to determine discontinuities in lineages.
- contig_cycle_idx(run_idx, cycle_idx)¶
Convert an in-run cycle index to an in-contig cyle_idx.
- contig_sliding_windows(contig_trace, window_length)¶
Given a contig trace get the sliding windows of length ‘window_length’ as contig walker traces.
- static contig_trace_to_run_trace(contig_trace, contig_walker_trace)¶
Combine a contig trace and a walker trace to get the equivalent run trace.
The contig_walker_trace cycle_idxs must be a subset of the frame indices given by the contig_trace.
- property continuations¶
The continuations that are used in this contig tree over the runs.
- property decision_class¶
The decision class used to determine parental lineages.
- get_branch_trace(run_idx, cycle_idx, start_contig_idx=0)¶
Get a contig trace for a branch of the contig tree from an end point back to a set point (defaults to root of contig tree).
- get_subtree(node)¶
Given a node defining a subtree root return that subtree.
- Parameters:
node (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
networkx.DiGraph tree
- property graph¶
The underlying networkx.DiGraph object.
- leaves()¶
All of the leaves of this contig tree.
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- root_leaves()¶
Return a dictionary mapping the roots to their leaves.
- roots()¶
Returns all of the roots in this contig tree (which is technically a forest and can have multiple roots).
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of node_id
- property run_idxs¶
Indices of runs in WepyHDF5 used in this contig tree.
- run_trace_to_contig_trace(run_trace)¶
Assumes that the run trace goes along a valid contig.
- sliding_contig_windows(window_length)¶
Given a ‘window_length’ return all the windows over the contig tree as contig traces.
- sliding_windows(window_length)¶
Returns all the sliding windows over walker trajectories as run traces for a given window length.
- span_contig(span_idx)¶
Generates a contig object for the specified spanning contig.
- property span_traces¶
Dictionary mapping the spand indices to their run traces.
- spanning_contig_traces()¶
Returns a list of all possible spanning contigs given the continuations present in this file. Spanning contigs are paths through a tree that must start from a root node and end at a leaf node.
This algorithm always returns them in a canonical order (as long as the runs are not rearranged after being added). This means that the indices here are the indices of the contigs.
- subtrees()¶
Returns all of the subtrees (with unique roots) in this contig tree (which is technically a forest and can have multiple roots).
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of networkx.DiGraph trees
- trace_parent_table(contig_trace, discontinuities=True)¶
Given a contig trace returns a parent table for that contig.
- walker_trace_to_run_trace(contig_walker_trace)¶
Combine a walker trace to get the equivalent run trace for this contig.
The contig_walker_trace cycle_idxs must be a subset of the frame indices given by the contig_trace.
- Parameters:
contig_walker_trace (list of tuples of ints (traj_idx, cycle_idx))
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of tuples of ints (run_idx, traj_idx, cycle_idx)
See also
calls this static method
- class wepy.analysis.contig_tree.Contig(wepy_h5, **kwargs)[source]¶
Wraps a WepyHDF5 object and gives access to logical trajectories from a single contig.
This class is very similar to the ContigTree class and inherits all of those methods. It adds methods for getting records and other data about a single contig.
The only required argument is an WepyHDF5 object from which to draw data.
If continuations is given it specifies the (continuing_run_idx, continued_run_idx) continuations the contig tree will use. This overrides anything in the WepyHDF5 file. Only use this if you know what you are doing. If continuations is Ellipsis the continuations from the WepyHDF5 will be used.
If runs is not Ellipsis only these runs will be included in the ContigTree and the continuations relvant to this subset will be used.
If a valid decision_class is given walker lineages will be generated. This class is largely useless without this.
The boundary_condition_class is only used in the presence of a decision_class. A valid boundary_condition_class will detect the discontinuities in walker trajectories and will automatically apply them to divide up logical trajectories. Otherwise, if discontinuous boundary condition warping events in data are present logical trajectories will have discontinuities in them.
- Parameters:
wepy_h5 (closed WepyHDF5 object)
continuations (Ellipsis (use continuations in wepy_h5) or) –
list of tuple of int (run_idx, run_idx)
- The continuations to apply to the runs in this contig tree.
(Default value = Ellipsis)
runs (Ellipsis (use all runs in wepy_h5) or) –
list of idx
- The indices of the runs to use in the contig tree
(Default value = Ellipsis)
boundary_condition_class (class implementing BoundaryCondition) – interface (Default value = None)
- decision_classclass implementing Decision interface
(Default value = None)
Only set continuations if you know what you are doing.
A decision_class must be given to be able to detect cloning and merging and get parental lineages.
Make sure to give the boundary_condition_class if there was discontinuous warping events in the simulation or else you will get erroneous contiguous trajectories.
- property contig_trace¶
Returns the contig trace corresponding to this contig.
- Return type:
contig_trace :: list of tuples of ints (run_idx, cycle_idx)
- records_dataframe(record_key)[source]¶
Returns the records as a pandas.DataFrame for the given key.
- Parameters:
record_key (str)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- resampling_records()[source]¶
Returns the resampling records.
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of namedtuple records
- resampling_records_dataframe()[source]¶
Returns the resampling records as a pandas.DataFrame.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- resampler_records()[source]¶
Returns the resampler records.
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of namedtuple records
- resampler_records_dataframe()[source]¶
Returns the resampler records as a pandas.DataFrame.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- warping_records()[source]¶
Returns the warping records.
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of namedtuple records
- warping_records_dataframe()[source]¶
Returns the warping records as a pandas.DataFrame.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- bc_records()[source]¶
Returns the boundary conditions records.
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of namedtuple records
- bc_records_dataframe()[source]¶
Returns the boundary conditions records as a pandas.DataFrame.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- progress_records()[source]¶
Returns the progress records.
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of namedtuple records
- progress_records_dataframe()[source]¶
Returns the progress records as a pandas.DataFrame.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- parent_table(discontinuities=True)[source]¶
Returns the full parent table for this contig.
This requires the decision class to be given to the Contig at construction.
If the simulation was run with boundary conditions that result in discontinuous warping events and that class is not provided at construction time to this class these discontinuities will not be taken into account and not added to this parent table.
- DISCONTINUITY_KEY = 'discontinuities'¶
Key for discontinuity node attributes in the tree graph.
- PARENTS_KEY = 'parent_idxs'¶
Key for parent indices node attributes in the tree graph.
- RESAMPLING_PANEL_KEY = 'resampling_steps'¶
Key for resampling panel node attributes in the tree graph.
- classmethod _contig_runs_to_continuations(contig_runs)¶
Helper function to convert a list of run indices defining a contig to continuations.
- classmethod _contig_trace_to_contig_runs(contig_trace)¶
Convert a contig trace to a list of runs.
- classmethod _continuations_to_contig_runs(continuations)¶
Helper function that converts a list of continuations to a list of the runs in the order of the contigs defined by the continuations.
- _create_tree(wepy_h5)¶
Generate the tree of cycles from the WepyHDF5 object/file.
- _initialize_discontinuities(wepy_h5)¶
Initialize the nodes with discontinuities attributes but set to 0s indicating no discontinuities.
- classmethod _rec_spanning_paths(edges, root)¶
Given a set of directed edges (source, target) and a root node id of a tree imposed over the edges, returns all the paths over that tree which span from the root to a leaf.
This is a recursive function and has pretty bad performance for nontrivial simulations.
- Parameters:
edges ((node_id, node_id))
root (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of edges
- _root_spanning_contig_traces()¶
Returns a list of all possible spanning contigs given the continuations present in this file. Spanning contigs are paths through a tree that must start from a root node and end at a leaf node.
This algorithm always returns them in a canonical order (as long as the runs are not rearranged after being added). This means that the indices here are the indices of the contigs.
- Returns:
spanning_contig_traces – Dictionary mapping the root ids to all spanning contigs for it which are contig traces.
- Return type:
dict of root_id to list of tuples of ints (run_idx, cycle_idx)
- _set_base_contigtree_to_self(base_contigtree)¶
- _set_discontinuities(wepy_h5, boundary_conditions_class)¶
Given the boundary condition class sets node attributes for where there are discontinuities in the parental lineages.
- Parameters:
boundary_conditions_class (class implementing BoundaryCondition interface)
- _set_parents(decision_class)¶
Determines the net parents for each cycle and sets them in-place to the cycle tree given.
- Parameters:
decision_class (class implementing Decision interface)
- _set_resampling_panels(wepy_h5)¶
Generates resampling panels for each cycle and sets them as node attributes.
- _spanning_paths(root)¶
- _subtree_leaves(root)¶
Given a root defining a subtree on the full tree returns the leaves of that subtree.
- Parameters:
root (node_id)
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- _subtree_root(node)¶
Given a node find the root of the tree it is on
- Parameters:
node (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- _subtree_sliding_contig_windows(subtree_root, window_length)¶
Get all the sliding windows of length ‘window_length’ from the subtree defined by the subtree root as run traces.
- classmethod _tree_leaves(root, tree)¶
Given the root node ID and the tree as a networkX DiGraph returns the leaves of the tree.
Must give it the reversed tree because it is recursive.
- Parameters:
root (node_id)
tree (networkx.DiGraph) – The reversed tree from the contigtree
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- property base_contigtree¶
- property boundary_condition_class¶
The boundary condition class is used to determine discontinuities in lineages.
- close()¶
- contig_cycle_idx(run_idx, cycle_idx)¶
Convert an in-run cycle index to an in-contig cyle_idx.
- contig_sliding_windows(contig_trace, window_length)¶
Given a contig trace get the sliding windows of length ‘window_length’ as contig walker traces.
- static contig_trace_to_run_trace(contig_trace, contig_walker_trace)¶
Combine a contig trace and a walker trace to get the equivalent run trace.
The contig_walker_trace cycle_idxs must be a subset of the frame indices given by the contig_trace.
- property continuations¶
The continuations that are used in this contig tree over the runs.
- property decision_class¶
The decision class used to determine parental lineages.
- get_branch_trace(run_idx, cycle_idx, start_contig_idx=0)¶
Get a contig trace for a branch of the contig tree from an end point back to a set point (defaults to root of contig tree).
- get_subtree(node)¶
Given a node defining a subtree root return that subtree.
- Parameters:
node (node_id)
- Returns:
- Return type:
networkx.DiGraph tree
- property graph¶
The underlying networkx.DiGraph object.
- leaves()¶
All of the leaves of this contig tree.
- Returns:
leaves – The leaf node IDs of the tree.
- Return type:
list of node_id
- make_contig(contig_trace)¶
Create a Contig object given a contig trace.
- Parameters:
contig_trace (list of tuples of ints (run_idx, cycle_idx))
- Returns:
- Return type:
Contig object
- open(mode=None)¶
- root_leaves()¶
Return a dictionary mapping the roots to their leaves.
- roots()¶
Returns all of the roots in this contig tree (which is technically a forest and can have multiple roots).
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of node_id
- property run_idxs¶
Indices of runs in WepyHDF5 used in this contig tree.
- run_trace_to_contig_trace(run_trace)¶
Assumes that the run trace goes along a valid contig.
- sliding_contig_windows(window_length)¶
Given a ‘window_length’ return all the windows over the contig tree as contig traces.
- sliding_windows(window_length)¶
Returns all the sliding windows over walker trajectories as run traces for a given window length.
- span_contig(span_idx)¶
Generates a contig object for the specified spanning contig.
- property span_traces¶
Dictionary mapping the spand indices to their run traces.
- spanning_contig_traces()¶
Returns a list of all possible spanning contigs given the continuations present in this file. Spanning contigs are paths through a tree that must start from a root node and end at a leaf node.
This algorithm always returns them in a canonical order (as long as the runs are not rearranged after being added). This means that the indices here are the indices of the contigs.
- subtrees()¶
Returns all of the subtrees (with unique roots) in this contig tree (which is technically a forest and can have multiple roots).
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of networkx.DiGraph trees
- trace_parent_table(contig_trace, discontinuities=True)¶
Given a contig trace returns a parent table for that contig.
- walker_trace_to_run_trace(contig_walker_trace)¶
Combine a walker trace to get the equivalent run trace for this contig.
The contig_walker_trace cycle_idxs must be a subset of the frame indices given by the contig_trace.
- Parameters:
contig_walker_trace (list of tuples of ints (traj_idx, cycle_idx))
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of tuples of ints (run_idx, traj_idx, cycle_idx)
See also
calls this static method
- property wepy_h5¶
The WepyHDF5 source object for which the contig tree is being constructed.
- lineages(contig_trace, discontinuities=True)[source]¶
Get the ancestry lineage for each element of the trace as a run trace.
- resampling_contig_trace(decision_id)[source]¶
Return full run traces for every specified type of resampling event.
- Parameters:
decision_id (int) – The integer ID of the decision you want to match on and get lineages for. This is the integer value of the decision enumeration value.