Development Guide ================= Overview -------- In this project we use a bunch of extra tools that simplify the drudgery of manual maintenance tasks so we can get more coding done. Its also probably not how your used to. This "middleware" includes: `invoke `__ for creating the runnable endpoints or targets. `jubeo `__ for importing and updating a standard set of project independent invoke targets and endpoints. ``invoke`` is common but ``jubeo`` is a creation of my own and may still have some rough edges. Furthermore, this project is made from a `cookiecutter template `__ to bootstrap it. You may find some odd stubs around and that is why. Feel free to get rid of them. If you ever want them back you can transcribe from the source. Ideally you won't have to do much outside of running the ``invoke`` targets (i.e. any command that starts with ``inv``). To see all of the commands run: .. code:: bash inv -l You should read and understand the ``jubeo`` documentation so that you know how to add your own project-specific targets via ``invoke``. Getting Set Up -------------- Obtaining the source code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the source code: .. code:: bash git clone {{ cookiecutter.dev_url }} cd {{ cookiecutter.project_name }} Tooling ~~~~~~~ The project comes configured for use with ``jubeo`` (see the ``.jubeo`` directory) but without the tasks imported. To get started you will need to install ``jubeo`` and then run this from the project directory: .. code:: bash jubeo init . This will download the appropriate ``invoke`` tasks organized into a special structure along with the necessary dependency specs to use them. To be able to run the tasks you should install these dependencies: .. code:: bash pip install -r .jubeo/ If you add to the libraries needed (through plugins discussed later) you will need to edit the ``.jubeo/requirements.txt`` file and recompile the ``.jubeo/`` file by either manually running ``pip-compile`` or using the ``inv`` target. Configuring ~~~~~~~~~~~ We typically manage configuration values in the ``tasks/`` and ``tasks/`` files as opposed to global system environment variables. See the ``jubeo`` documentation on how to use these configuration files. For this python project template we do need to set some values before all of the features will work. We also avoid setting these in shell configuration variables and as of now it is just up to the user to customize these. To the ``tasks/`` file add the following: .. code:: python PROJECT_SLUG = "{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}" VERSION="{{cookiecutter.initial_version}}" Just make sure to update the version string here when you do releases (included in the checklist for releases). Virtual Environments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are helpers for pinning and (re)generating python virtual environments which are helpful in developing and testing this project, and not necessarily just for running it as a user. See *Managing Dependencies* for details on managing dependencies of the installable project. If an environment has been already been written and compiled you need only create it locally and then activate it. To create an env called ``dev`` just run the ``env`` (``env.make``) target from ``invoke``: .. code:: bash inv env -n dev If it fails double check that all the dependencies have been compiled. If it still fails, likely the environment is meant to be used for simultaneous development of multiple projects. You can check which installable source repos are expected in which locations by looking at the ``self.requirements.txt`` file. If there are simultaneous dev requirements make sure these source repos can be found at those locations. Then follow the activation instructions that are printed as different projects might use different backends. For pure python projects the default ``venv`` tool should be used, but ``conda`` is also an option. For ``venv`` envs they will be stored in a directory called ``_venvs`` and for conda ``_conda_envs`` (this is customizable however). Simply: .. code:: bash source _venvs/dev/bin/activate_ or .. code:: bash conda activate _conda_envs/dev In any case the environments are not stored with other user-level environments, what we call *ambient* environments, and are instead stored in the project directory. If you ever have problems with an environment just rerun the ``env.make`` target to get a clean one. A practice we encourage to do frequently so that developers don't diverge in their envs with local modifications. So while you can make your env, try to use this one unless you have problems. We maintain a number of preconfigured environments in the ``envs`` directory which are used for different purposes. Calling ``inv env -n dev`` is the same as ``inv dev`` since it is the default, but any other environment can be created by passing the matching name. For instance there is an environment that mimics the user's installation environment so that we can test experiences upon install, to make sure we haven't accidentally depended on something in the dev env: .. code:: bash inv env -n test_install Maintenance Tasks ----------------- Managing Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Quick Reference To initially pin an environment or when you add requirements run this target: .. code:: bash inv env.deps-pin -n dev To update it (should be accompanied by a reason why): .. code:: bash inv env.deps-pin-update -n dev The best practice here is to make initial pinning and updating a single commit so that it can easily be rolled back or patched e.g.: .. code:: bash git add envs/* git commit -m "Updates dev environment" #. Explanation Reminder that there are two separate goals of managing dependencies and where they are managed: Python Libraries These dependencies are managed in ```` and in PyPI or other indices. Python Applications/Deployments These are dependencies managed in ```` and ``requirements.txt`` and used for developer environments and deployment environments. In this template project there are a number of different places dependencies are managed according to both of these purposes. As far as the python library specs are concerned it is simpler and well documented elsewhere. In this template we introduce a few other mechanisms for managing development environments. They are as follows with the specific purpose of them: ```` specifying high level requirements for installation of a released version from an index by a user or system integrator. ``tools.requirements.txt`` A bare minimum high-level listing of dependencies necessary to bootstrap the creation of development environments from the project tooling itself. You are free to install these in any ambient environment you see fit. We suggest using something like ``pyenv-virtualenv``. ``envs/env_name`` dirs a directory with a set of files that are used to reproduce development environments the full structure will be discussed separately. There can be any number of these but they shouldn't start with a double-underscore '__' which is used for temporary utility environments. ```` An optional high-level specification of install dependencies readable from other projects for simultaneous development. Should be the same as ```` install dependencies. The biggest concern for developers is writing env specs in the ``envs`` dir. These add a few features a simple ```` file can't solve alone. Here is the full listing of possible files that can be authored by the developer in this directory: ```` (required) abstract specification of packages ``self.requirements.txt`` (required) how to install packages actively being worked on ``dev.requirements.list`` A list of paths to other ```` files that will be included in dependency compilation with this env. ``pyversion.txt`` the python version specified (if supported) This also supports the use of ``conda`` for managing environments, although this isn't recommended for python packages which are not intended to be distributed via ``conda``. This is however, useful for projects like the ``analytics-cookiecutter`` project which won't actually be distributed to others as general purpose. For this you need only add another file for the abstract conda dependencies: - ``env.yaml`` (required for conda managed envs) an abstract specification for dependencies. Compiled to ``env.pinned.yaml`` All the other files are still valid for conda environments still. #. Abstract Requirements :: The basic part of this spec is the ```` and ``self.requirements.txt`` files. The ```` file is as described in the ``pip-tools`` documentation (i.e. ``pip-compile``). Running ``inv env.deps-pin`` will compile this file to a ``requirements.txt`` file, which can then be used to create an environment via ``inv env`` (i.e. ``pip install -r requirements.txt``). It should look something like this: .. code:: pyreq requests networkx >= 2 There should be no entries like ``-e .`` for installing the package or any local file paths. This should be portable between machines and developers. #. Development Project Installation Spec :: self.requirements.txt The ``self.requirements.txt`` file instead is where these kinds of specifications should be. At its simplest it may look like this: .. code:: pyreq -e . Which means just to install the package of this current repo. However, it is often that you are working on multiple separate projects at once in different version control repos and want to develop simultaneously without either releasing them every time you want to make changes or even push them to a git repo. You can then write a ``self.requirements.txt`` file that looks like this: .. code:: pyreq -e . -e ../other_project -e $HOME/dev/util_project #. Simultaneous Project Development :: dev.requirements.list During simultaneous development however, the dependencies of these other repos won't be included in the compilation of the ``requirements.txt`` file. Your options are to: #. manually transcribe their dependencies into the env's ```` file (not recommended) #. write top-level ```` files for each project and include paths to these files in the ``envs/env_name/dev.requirements.list`` file. The tooling here provides support for the second one. For this you must write a ``list`` text file (see `rfc:salotz/016\ trivial-plaintext-formats `__ for a discussion of the format), where each line should be a path to a ```` file, e.g.: .. code:: trivial-list ../other_project/ $HOME/dev/util_project/ This will include each of these files in the dependency compilation step. Note that the ```` can come from any location and is not a specification other projects *must* support. #. Meta-Tools Installation Spec :: tools.requirements.txt Use this to "pin" or constrain versions of tools which won't be or can't be managed by the pinning tool (i.e. ``pip-tools``, meaning ``pip``, ``setuptools`` etc.). The main use of this to pin the version of ``pip`` in case it breaks some other tools. #. Specifying Python Version :: pyversion.txt This file should only contain the text that specifies the version of python to use that is understood by the env method (e.g. ``conda``). E.g.: .. code:: fundamental 3.7.6 Only the ``conda`` method supports this as of now. For the ``venv`` method it is still encouraged to write this file though, as a warning will be generated to remind you. For managing different python versions we recommend using something like ``pyenv`` and we may integrate with this or manually specifiying interpreter paths in the future. Documentation and Website ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Writing Documentation The primary source of the documentation is in the ``info`` folder and is written in Emacs org mode. Because of the powerful wiki-like capabilities of org mode it can serve as a primary source for reading docs. This obviously serves the devs more than end user's expecting an HTML website it is a good first measure for writing docs. Org-mode documents can be converted to RestructuredText files for use in generators like ``Sphinx`` (for documentation) or ``Nikola`` (for static sites) using the ``pandoc`` tool which we expect to be installed. Furthermore, org-mode & Emacs provides excellent facilities for writing foreign source code blocks which allow for literate documents which can easily be tangled into code files that can then be tested automatically. The documentation can roughly be broken down into three major parts: pages Documents the actual project this repo is about. Should always be tested with the same version of the software it is released with. Should not include extra dependencies. examples & tutorials Extended documentation of the project, however this may include extra dependencies of the project. These are tested separately from the pages documentation. meta General information about the project management itself. Will not be tested and should only contain source code in extremely small doses. If you write code blocks in your documentation (which is highly recommended) you **must** at least write tests which run the code to make sure it at least runs. When you write code blocks you should use this format: .. code:: org #+begin_src python :tangle print("Hello!!!") #+end_src Notice there is no extra paths to get the tangling right. The tooling for running the tests will take care of setting up an environment for tangling scripts as the docs shouldn't really be tangled in place in the ``info`` tree. #. Writing Examples & Tutorials For our purposes as devs examples and tutorials are almost the same in structure. The distinction is mostly for end users that have different expecations from examples over tutorials. Examples should be provide less explanation whereas tutorials are likely to be long form prose documents with literate coding and may even provide media like graphs and pictures. Examples can also be literate but they are restricted to formats like org mode, whereas the tutorials may also be in formats like Jupyter, which integrate well with Sphinx docs. #. Initializing a Tutorial/Example To write examples and tutorials that play nice with testing and the basic rules of the examples (described in the `users\ guide <./>`__) there are some templates available in the ``templates`` directory for ``templates/examples``, ``templates/tutorials``, and environment specs ``templates/envs``. You can either just copy these templates over or use the targets: .. code:: bash inv --name='myexample' --template='org' cp -r -u templates/envs/conda_blank info/examples/myexample/env inv --name='mytutorial --template=jupyter' cp -r -u templates/envs/conda_blank info/examples/mytutorial/env After you have your directory set up there are some things to keep in mind while you are constructing your tutorial. #. Managing Dependencies and Envs First, write source either in the literate document (````) or in the source file. Not both, unless you intend to test both separately. For tutorials you should prefer to write them directly in the literate doc, but particularly long and uninteresting pieces of code can be put into the source. As you write the code pay attention to your dependencies and virtual environment. If you add new dependencies, add them to the ```` or ``env.yaml`` file and compile: .. code:: bash cd $PROJECT_DIR inv -n 'myexample' You can then make the env 2 ways (the latter is intended to be run by users who don't want to be overwhelmed by all the dev options): .. code:: bash cd $PROJECT_DIR inv docs.env-example -n 'myexample' or .. code:: bash inv env #. Writing Code Examples When writing examples and tutorials you should manually write the tangle targets to be the ``_tangle_source`` folder: .. code:: org Here is some code I am explaining that you will run: #+begin_src python :tangle _tangle_source/ print("Hello!") #+end_src As stated in the user's guide if you don't follow this rule (or any others) then **it is wrong** and an issue should be filed. When using input files, please copy them to the ``input`` dir and reference them relative to the example dir. So that when you execute a script: .. code:: bash python source/ The code for reading a file would look like: .. code:: python with open("input/data.csv", 'r') as rf: table = and not: .. code:: python with open("../data.csv", 'r') as rf: table = Similarly writing and creating files should be done into the ``_output`` dir: .. code:: python with open("_output/test.txt", 'w') as wf: wf.write("Hello!!") #. Adding to the built documentation The tutorial README files will be automatically converted to ReStructuredText and built into the documentation, but in order to have links to them from the Tutorials page you will need to manually add them to the table of contents section in the ``sphinx/tutorials_index.rst`` file, e.g.: .. code:: rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tut0/README tut1/README #. Testing Documentation There is a folder just for tests that target the docs ``tests/test_docs``. You should be able to run them after tangling: .. code:: bash inv docs.tangle inv docs.test-example inv docs.test-tutorial inv docs.test-pages See these targets for more fine-grained tests or to run them using ``nox`` for the python version matrix or just to have a more minimal and reproducible test environment. .. code:: bash inv -l | grep docs.test #. Building Documentation To compile and build the docs just run: .. code:: bash inv Which will output them to a temporary build directory ``_build/html``. You can clean this build with: .. code:: bash inv py.clean-docs To view how the docs would look as a website you can point your browser at the ``_build/html`` folder or run a python http web server with this target: .. code:: bash inv #. Building and testing the website For now we only support deploying the sphinx docs as a website and on github pages (via the ``gh-pages`` branch, see *Website Admin*). So to view your undeployed docs just run: .. code:: bash inv And open the local URL. Once you are happy with the result, **you must commit all changes and have a clean working tree** then you can push to github pages: .. code:: bash inv Basically this checks out the ``gh-pages`` branch merges the changes from ``master`` builds the docs, commits them (normally these files are ignored), and then pushes to github which will render them. We may also support other common use cases in the future as well like Gitlab pages or a web server (via rsync or scp). We also will support a more traditional static site generator workflow instead of relying in addition to the sphinx docs. #. #. Deploying the website We are using github pages. To avoid having to keep the entire built website in the main tree we use the alternate ``gh-pages`` branch. To make this process easy to deploy we have a script ``sphinx/`` that checks the ``gh-pages`` branch out, does some necessary cleaning up, and copies the built website to the necesary folder (which is the toplevel), commits the changes and pushes to github, and then returns to your working branch. The invoke target is: .. code:: bash inv Testing ~~~~~~~ This is about testing the actual source tree (see *Testing Documentation* for testing the docs). #. Testing in the Dev Cycle You can either test in the ``dev`` (or ``test``) environment while working: .. code:: bash inv py.tests-all There are specific commands for each section of tests, primarily: .. code:: bash inv py.tests-integration inv py.tests-unit If you use the ``-t`` option you can specify a tag. The tag will be used as an identifying string for output to reports etc. Currently it will generate test results into the ``reports`` #. Automated Test Matrix We use ``nox`` as the runner for parametrizing and running tests in isolated environments for the test matrix. See the ```` on how this is configured. You can run the "session" directly since there are other session definitions for docs etc.: .. code:: bash nox -s test There is also a target for this: .. code:: bash inv py.tests-nox #. Auxiliary "tests" We also have two other "testing" targets for the benchmarks and the "interactive" tests. Benchmarks have a special toolchain for recording and publishing them as metrics. The 'interactive' tests are just tests which have something like a ``breakpoint()`` in them. This is kind of an experimental thing, and probably more useful for you to write and call them individually for different purposes. The idea is that you can write "tests" that generate something like realistic live environment (kind of like integration tests) that you can drop into a debugger with and poke around in. Code Quality Metrics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just run the end target: .. code:: bash inv quality This will write files to ``metrics``. Releases ~~~~~~~~ The typical pre-requisites for a release are that: - the documentation has been updated and tested - the tests have been run and results are recorded - the quality metrics have been run and are recorded - the changelog has been written Making a release then follows these steps: #. test the build #. make a pre-release build and publish #. make the release build and publish #. build and publish documentation, website, etc. #. Writing and/or Generating the Changelog and Announcement Simply go into the ``info/`` file and write it. There are conventions here per-project. Follow them. #. Choosing a version number There are some semantics around changing the version number beyond the 'semver' sense of the 'v.X.Y.Z' meanings. To make a release do some changes and make sure they are fully tested and functional and commit them in version control. At this point you will also want to do any rebasing or cleaning up the actual commits if this wasn't already done in the feature branch. If this is a 'dev' release and you just want to run a version control tag triggered CI pipeline go ahead and change the version numbers and commit. Then tag the 'dev' release. If you intend to make a non-dev release you will first want to test it out a little bit with a release-candidate prerelease. #. Changing the version number You can check the current version number with this command: .. code:: bash inv py.version-which The places where an actual version are needed are: - ```` - ``sphinx/`` - ``src/package/`` - ``tasks/`` - ``conda/conda-forge/meta.yaml`` (optional) - the git tag The ```` and ``src/package/`` version is handled by ``versioneer`` using the git tag for the release. This allows for fine-grained versions using git hashes on "dirty" releases. The ``sphinx/`` just gets the current version from ```` so it is also downstream of versioneer. So currently only the ``tasks/`` and conda versions need to be updated manually. In this project we never like to initiate configuration tasks at the REPL/shell so we never actually run ``git tag`` under normal circumstances. Instead we configure the desired version "bump" in one place ``tasks/`` and then generate the rest downstream through ``invoke`` endpoints. So simply edit the ``tasks/`` ``VERSION`` variable and then run: .. code:: bash inv git.release Which will write the git tag in the correct format. ``versioneer`` takes over from there. Here then is the checklist of manually edited versions (currently the conda packaging stuff is not supported): - [ ] edit ``tasks/`` - [ ] commit - [ ] run ``inv git.release`` Changing the version may happen a few times through the release process in order to debug wrinkles in the process so its useful to have this workflow in mind. #. Release Process #. Testing the build To test a build with whatever work you have go ahead and run: .. code:: bash inv And then try to install it from an empty environment: .. code:: bash inv env -n test_install Activate the environment e.g.: .. code:: bash source _venv/test_install/bin/activate or .. code:: bash conda activate _conda_envs/test_install then run it for each build, e.g.: .. code:: bash pip install dist/BUILD.tar.gz They should all succeed. You should also test the installation somehow so that we know that we got the dependencies correct. #. Making the Pre-Release All releases should be preceded by a release candidate just to make sure the process is working as intended. So after this testing of your potentially "dirty" tree (which is anything that is not equal to a 'vX.Y.Z.etc' git tag) change the versions to have 'rc0' at the end of the new intended (semantic) number, e.g. ``v1.0.0.rc0``. Then go ahead and commit the changes with a message like this: .. code:: fundamental 1.0.0rc0 release preparation Then do the git release (just tags it doesn't 'publish' it) and rebuild before doing the next steps: .. code:: bash inv git.release inv Once you have built it and nothing is wrong go ahead and publish it to the test indexes (if available): .. code:: bash inv py.publish-test You can test that it works from the index using the same ``test_install`` environment above. And install the package from the test repo with no dependencies: .. code:: bash pip install --index-url --no-deps package Then you can publish this pre-release build. Publishing the results will vary but you can start with publishing the package to PyPI and the VCS hosts with the real publish target: .. code:: bash inv git.publish inv py.publish #. The final public release Edit the version number to something clean that won't be hidden on PyPI etc. Then: .. code:: bash inv git.release inv inv py.publish inv git.publish Initializing this repository ---------------------------- These are tasks that should only be done once at the inception of the project but are described for posterity and completeness. Version Control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First we need to initialize the version control system (``git``): .. code:: bash inv git.init If you want to go ahead and add the remote repositories for this project. We don't manage this explicitly since ``git`` is treated mostly as first class for these kinds of tasks and is better left to special purpose tools which are well integrated and developed. Python Packaging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a target to initialize python specific packaging things. This is because some tools (like ``versioneer``) need to be generated after project instantiation. Make sure you have a clean tree so you can see the changes then: .. code:: bash inv py.init then inspect and commit. Compiling Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then add any extra dependencies you want to the development environment ` <../envs/dev/>`__ file and then compile and pin them: .. code:: bash inv env.deps-pin -n dev env.deps-pin -n test_install Then commit this. Creating Environments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then just create the virtual environment. For portability we use the builin ``venv`` package, but this is customizable. .. code:: bash inv env Then you can activate it with the instructions printed to the screen. Website Admin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We use Github Pages by default since it is pretty easy. Because we don't want to clutter up the master branch with website build artifacts we use the ``gh-pages`` branch approach. If you just run the ``inv`` target this will idempotently take care of setting this up for you. However, you will need to create it and push it before you can set this in the github settings for the page.